Restorative Dentistry (REST)


REST 321. Complete Denture Prosthodontic Technique. 2 hours.

A lecture and laboratory preclinical course covering all aspects of complete denture construction including immediate denture and overdenture construction. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Completion of the first year of the Doctor of Dental Surgery program.

REST 322. Fixed Prosthodontics Technique I. 4 hours.

Fundamental principles and biomaterials for the fabrication of indirect restorations and fixed prostheses; lecture and laboratory format with clinical applications emphasized. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Completion of the first year of the Doctor of Dental Surgery program.

REST 323. Preclinical Restorative. 2 hours.

Provides a transition from technic to clinical courses. Students complete a diagnosis, plan of treatment, restorative procedures and associated patient record documentation for a simulated clinical case. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Completion of the first year of the Doctor of Dental Surgery program.

REST 324. Removable Partial Denture Technique. 2 hours.

A lecture and laboratory preclinical course covering the fundamentals of removable partial denture fabrication, rationale for use, and an introduction to advanced techniques. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Completion of the first year of the Doctor of Dental Surgery program.

REST 326. Fixed Prosthodontics Technique II. 4 hours.

Continued study of the principles, biomaterials, and techniques for the fabrication of indirect restorations and fixed prostheses; lectures and laboratory format with clinical applications stressed. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): REST 322.

REST 332. Restorative Dentistry II. 1 hour.

Clinical procedures to alter/replace missing tooth structure and missing teeth with direct and indirect methods to restore function, esthetics, and soft tissue health are presented. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Completion of the second year of Doctor of Dental Surgery program.

REST 337. Advanced Prosthodontics Elective. 1 hour.

Includes a hospital rotation in maxillofacial prosthodontics, observation of patients in treatment for craniofacial anomalies and oral oncology, and exposure to lab procedures in maxillofacial reconstruction. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. Prerequisite(s): REST 321 and REST 330; and concurrent registration in REST 338 or REST 348. Students must have advanced standing in REST 338 or REST 348 to be considered for the elective.