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IE 312. Dynamic Systems and Control. 3 hours.

Dynamics of linear systems. Modeling of mechanical, electrical, fluid, and thermal systems. Analysis and design of feedback control systems. Analytical, computer and experimental solution methods. Time and frequency domain techniques. Course Information: Same as ME 312. Prerequisite(s): CS 109 and ECE 210 and MATH 220; and sophomore standing or above; or approval of the department.

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Undergraduate Catalog

Contact Information:  Campus Location: 2039 Engineering Research Facility (ERF), Student Services: Undergraduate Engineering Office, 123 Science and Engineering Offices (SEO)  (312) 996–5317, Student Services (312) 996-3463

Industrial Engineering

Graduate Catalog

Mailing Address:  Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MC 251)  842 West Taylor Street Chicago, IL 60607-7022