Program Updates and Changes Catalog
...Art History Award Credit for Required Course AH 512 in the PhD in Art History...
...Art History Award Credit for Required Course AH 512 in the PhD in Art History...
Theoretical and practical aspects of teaching in undergraduate courses in the history of the visual arts. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated as often as the student is a TA, but only a maximum of 2 hours will apply to the degree. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in the art history program and appointment as a teaching assistant in the Department of Art History.
Review of basic statistics and in-depth regression analyses; multifactor analysis of variance/covariance; non-parametric, categorical data, factor and cluster analyses; longitudinal studies; and overview of clinical studies and epidemiology methods. Course Information: Notes to Students: Extensive computer use required. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in AHS 511; or Credit or concurrent registration in BSTT 400; and graduate or professional standing; and consent of the instructor; Graduate level basic statistics course required.
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