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Search Results for "AH 512"

AH 512. Art History Teaching Seminar. 0 hours.

Theoretical and practical aspects of teaching in undergraduate courses in the history of the visual arts. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated as often as the student is a TA, but only a maximum of 2 hours will apply to the degree. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in the art history program and appointment as a teaching assistant in the Department of Art History.

AHS 512. Biostatistics II. 5 hours.

Review of basic statistics and in-depth regression analyses; multifactor analysis of variance/covariance; non-parametric, categorical data, factor and cluster analyses; longitudinal studies; and overview of clinical studies and epidemiology methods. Course Information: Notes to Students: Extensive computer use required. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in AHS 511; or Credit or concurrent registration in BSTT 400; and graduate or professional standing; and consent of the instructor; Graduate level basic statistics course required.