ARCHÂ 466. Advanced Topic Studio 2. 6 hours.
Advanced studio that pursues specific design and research agendas of current significance; students choose by lottery from among several options that are offered by faculty. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Field trip required at a nominal fee. Field work required. Students will use city as a research laboratory with field work on project sites. Additional scheduled field trips will be made to significant or historical architectural buildings as part of preliminary design research and analysis. Prerequisite(s): ARCH 465; and approval of the department. Students must have earned an average grade of C or better in ARCH 365 and ARCH 366. Students with a lower grade point average for the 365/366 studio sequence are required to take an eight-week summer studio in which they must earn at least a C in order to advance to the studio sequence for the following year. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory and one Lecture.