EAESĀ 300. Fieldwork in Missouri. 2 hours.
Field observations in the St. Francois Mountains and vicinity, southeast Missouri. Course Information: Previously listed as EAES 200. Field work required. Full participation in pre-field trip class meetings is mandatory. Three two-hour meetings and one-week field trip during the spring vacation. Will count as elective if student already has credit for EAES 302. Credit is given upon completion of assignments that include a satisfactory written report. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in EAES 101 and Grade of C or better in EAES 111 and Grade of C or better in EAES 330; or consent of the instructor. Registration may be limited if student is not majoring in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Studio.