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Search Results for "PHYS 392"

PHYS 392. Physics Research. 2-4 hours.

Research under the close supervision of a faculty member. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Approval of the department. Class Schedule Information: This course counts toward the limited number of independent study hours accepted toward the degree and the major.

Department of Physics

Undergraduate Catalog

Contact Information:  Campus Location: 2236 Science and Engineering South (SES)  (312) 996–3400   Administration:  Head, Prof. Robert F. Klie Director of Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Cecilia E. Gerber, Student Services: Ms. Melodie Shaw, The fundamental goal of the science of physics is to develop a basic and comprehensive understanding and description of all forms of matter and energy. This goal is pursued through experimental and theoretical investigations, with experimental results pointing the way toward possible new theories and tentative theories suggesting new experiments. Physics occupies a middle ground between mathematics and engineering, using the techniques of the former and providing new ideas and materials (structures and properties) to the latter.