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Search Results for "RE 499"

RE 499. Real Estate: Fair Housing and Fair Lending Law. 2 hours.

Surveys federal, state, and local housing and lending discrimination laws, emphasizing the practical aspects of a fair housing case. Course Information: Same as JD 499. Previously listed as JD 088/RE 688. Prerequisite(s): JD 401, and JD 405, and JD 406, and JD 407, and JD 411, and JD 414, and JD 415, and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413; and JD 439 or RE 439.

RES 499. Research Experience. 1-3 hours.

Independent student research experience under the supervision of a faculty member. The faculty member and student will determine a specific, discipline appropriate research project to complete within the semester and submit a written report. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor and Department Head.