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Search Results for "ART 150"
BA in Music Catalog
...Bachelor of Arts in Music a Select one of the following: MUS 150 , MUS 151...
BMus in Jazz Studies Catalog
...Architecture, Design, and the Arts section of the...the major. g MUS 150 is required for...
BA in Music Business Catalog
...earn a Bachelor of Arts in Music Business...from the following: MUS 150 , MUS 151 , MUS...
BS in Computer Science and Linguistics Catalog
...a B in LING 150 . Prior to completing...The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences reserves...
BS in Computer Science with Human-Centered Computing Concentration Catalog
...electives: PSCH 100 , PSCH 242 ; ART 150 , ART 454 , ART 456 ; DES 452 ; COMM 430...
BA with a Major In Linguistics (effective Fall 2025) Catalog
...earn a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Sciences...of Study a LING 150 satisfies the Understanding...
Admissions Catalog
...of an Associate of Arts or Associate of...Each fall, up to 150 motivated and highly...
BA in Human Development and Learning Catalog
...earn a Bachelor of Arts in Human Development...DLG 120 and EPSY 150 are for first...
ART 150. Introduction to New Media Arts. 4 hours.
An introduction to the theory and practice of responsive arts. Through hands-on exercises, students learn to design interactive interfaces and responsive environments. Survey lectures focus on current practices and the history of new media. Course Information: Previously listed as AD 100. Extensive computer use required. Course Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture and one Laboratory. Creative Arts course.
AH 150. Art and Money. 3 hours.
Surveys topics in the intertwined histories of art and money, asking how works of art from various periods and places might illuminate the often mysterious workings of economic life. Course Information: Field trips required at a nominal fee. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture and one Discussion Creative Arts course, and Past course.