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Search Results for "chem 125"

CHEM 125. Foundations of Chemical Inquiry II. 2 hours.

Laboratory in general chemistry including chemical thermodynamics, spontaneity, chemical equilibrium, acid-base equilibrium, electrochemistry, kinetics, bonding, order/symmetry in condensed phases, coordination compounds, and spectroscopy. Course Information: Credit is not given for CHEM 125 if the student has a grade of C or better in CHEM 114 or CHEM 118. Students should complete CHEM 125 within one semester of completing CHEM 124. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in CHEM 116; or Grade of C or better in CHEM 122 and Grade of C or better in CHEM 123; or Grade of B or better in CHEM 115 and department consent; and Grade of C or better or concurrent registration in CHEM 124. Natural World - With Lab course.