Academic Standing

Semester Hours

A semester hour is the university’s unit of academic credit. During the fall and spring semesters, a university semester hour represents one classroom period of 50 minutes weekly for one semester in lecture or discussion or a longer period of time in laboratory, studio, or other work. For example, a 3-semester-hour lecture/discussion course could meet three times a week for 50 minutes each period or two times a week for 75 minutes each period. In either case, a student attends the lecture/discussion course for an equivalent amount of time each week during a 15-week semester. A minimum of two 50-minute periods each week per semester hour is required for lab, practicum, or clinical activity. It is expected that students will spend at least the equivalent of two classroom periods of outside preparation for one classroom period per week of lecture or discussion. Those courses in which semester hours exceed contact hours may require additional readings, assigned papers, or other coursework.

To convert semester hours to quarter hours multiply by 1.5; to convert quarter hours to semester hours multiply by 2/3. For example, 30 semester hours are equivalent to 45 quarter hours.

Class Standing

The number of semester hours earned by the student determines class standing within the university.

Semester Hours Earned Class Standing
1–29 Freshman standing
30–59 Sophomore standing
60–89 Junior standing
90 and above Senior standing

The university may use class standing to determine a student’s eligibility for receiving certain kinds of financial aid and scholarships, applying for some degree programs, enrolling in particular courses, and evaluating progress.

Credit by Examination

Students may establish credit toward an undergraduate degree through the examinations below. Students must submit official grade reports/examination results to the Office of Admissions before credit can be awarded. UIC will not award transfer course credit based on another institution’s evaluation of test results.

ACT English/SAT Verbal

UIC will award three hours of passing credit for ENGL 160 for an ACT English subscore of 27, an SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score of 630 or more.

Advanced Placement (AP)

UIC will award credit on the basis of scores earned on the Advanced Placement Examinations administered by the College Board.

AP Policy for Students Admitted to and Enrolled at UIC for Fall 2024a

Exam Score Course Equivalent
African American Studies 3 Black Studies (3 hours)
4–5 BLST 100
Art History 3–5 AH 110, AH 111 (8 hours)
Biology 3–5 BIOS 110, BIOS 120 (8 hours)
Calculus AB 3 MATH 121 (5 hours)
4–5 MATH 180 (4 hours)
Calculus BC 3 with AB subscore of 1–3 MATH 121 (5 hours)
3 with AB subscore of 4–5 MATH 180 (4 hours)
4–5 MATH 180, MATH 181 (8 hours)
Chemistry 3 CHEM 100 (5 hours)
4–5 CHEM 122, CHEM 123, CHEM 124, CHEM 125 (10 hours)
Chinese Language & Culture 3 CHIN 103 (4 hours)
4–5 CHIN 103, CHIN 104 (8 hours)
Computer Science A 3 CS 111 (3 hours)
4–5 CS 111, CS 141 (6 hours)
Computer Science Principles 3–5 CS 100 (3 hours)
English Language & Composition 3–5 ENGL 160 (3 hours)
English Literature & Composition 3–5 ENGL 101 (3 hours)
Environmental Science 3 Earth and Environmental Sciences (3 hours)
4–5 EAES 101 (4 hours)
European History 3 History (3 hours)
4–5 History (6 hours)
French Language & Culture 3 FR 103 (4 hours)
4–5 FR 103, FR 104 (8 hours)
German Language & Culture 3 GER 103 (4 hours)
4–5 GER 103, GER 104 (8 hours)
Government & Politics: Comparative 3–5 POLS 130 (3 hours)
Government & Politics: U.S. 3–5 POLS 101 (3 hours)
Human Geography 3–5 GEOG 100
Italian Language & Culture 3 ITAL 102 (4 hours)
4 ITAL 103 (4 hours)
5 ITAL 103, ITAL 104 (8 hours)
Japanese Language & Culture 3 JPN 103 (4 hours)
4–5 JPN 103, JPN 104 (8 hours)
Latin 3–5 LAT 299 (3 hours)
Macroeconomics 3 Economics (3 hours)
4–5 ECON 121 (4 hours)
Microeconomics 3 Economics (3 hours)
4–5 ECON 120 (4 hours)
Music Theory 3–5 MUS 107 (3 hours)
Physics 1 3 Non-Major Physics (3 hours)
4–5 PHYS 131 (4 hours)
Physics 2 3 Non-Major Physics (3 hours)
4–5 PHYS 132 (4 hours)
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 3 Physics (3 hours)
4–5 PHYS 142 (4 hours)
Physics C: Mechanics 3 PHYS 100 (3 hours)
4–5 PHYS 141 (4 hours)
Precalculus 3 MATH 110
4–5 MATH 121
Psychology 3 Psychology (3 hours)
4–5 PSCH 100 (4 hours)
Research 3–5 Liberal Arts and Sciences (3 hours)
Seminar 3–5 Liberal Arts and Sciences (3 hours)
Spanish Language & Culture 3 SPAN 103 (4 hours)
4 SPAN 104 (4 hours)
5 SPAN 104, SPAN 202 (7 hours)
Spanish Literature & Culture 3 SPAN 104 (4 hours)
4 SPAN 202 (3 hours)
5 SPAN 202, SPAN 203 (6 hours)
Statistics 3–5 College of Business Administration: IDS 270 (4 hours)
Statistics 3–5 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and all other colleges: STAT 101 (4 hours)
Studio Art: 2-D Design 3–5 Art (4 hours)
Studio Art: 3-D Design 3–5 ART 140 (4 hours)
Studio Art: Drawing 3–5 ART 112 (4 hours)
United States History 3 History (3 hours)
4–5 HIST 103, HIST 104 (6 hours)
World History 3 History (3 hours)
4–5 HIST 100, HIST 101 (6 hours)

Students admitted prior to Fall 2024 should consult the archived catalog from their admission year for information on credit awarded for AP exams.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

UIC will award credit on the basis of scores earned on the International Baccalaureate examinations as indicated below. For languages not listed below, 4 semester hours of foreign language elective credit will be awarded.

IB Exam Policy for Students Enrolled at UIC beginning in Fall 2024a,c

Exam Score Course Equivalent
Anthropology, Social and Cultural
Standard or Higher Level 4–5 Anthropology Elective Credit (3 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 6–7 ANTH 101 (3 hours)
Arabic A: Language and Literature
Standard Level 4 ARAB 101 (4 hours)
Standard Level 5 ARAB 101, ARAB 102 (8 hours)
Standard Level 6 ARAB 102, ARAB 103 (8 hours)
Standard Level 7 ARAB 103, ARAB 104 (8 hours)
Higher Level 4 ARAB 101, ARAB 102 (8 hours)
Higher Level 5 ARAB 102, ARAB 103 (8 hours)
Higher Level 6 ARAB 103, ARAB 104 (8 hours)
Higher Level 7 ARAB 201 or ARAB 202, ARAB 103, ARAB 104 (11 hours)
Arabic A: Literature
Standard Level 4 ARAB 101 (4 hours)
Standard Level 5 ARAB 101, ARAB 102 (8 hours)
Standard Level 6 ARAB 102, ARAB 103 (8 hours)
Standard Level 7 ARAB 103, ARAB 104 (8 hours)
Higher Level 4 ARAB 101, ARAB 102 (8 hours)
Higher Level 5 ARAB 102, ARAB 103 (8 hours)
Higher Level 6 ARAB 103, ARAB 104 (8 hours)
Higher Level 7 ARAB 201 or ARAB 202, ARAB 103, ARAB 104 (11 hours)
Arabic Language AB Initio
Standard Level 4–5 ARAB 101 (4 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 ARAB 101, ARAB 102 (8 hours)
Arabic Language B
Standard Level 4–7 ARAB 102, ARAB 103 (8 hours)
Higher Level 4–7 ARAB 103, ARAB 104 (8 hours)
Art History
Standard Level 4 Art History Elective Credit (8 hours)
Standard Level 5–7 AH 110, AH 111 (8 hours)
Standard Level 4–7 Astronomy Elective Credit (4 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 4 Biology 100-Level Elective Credit (4 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 5–7 BIOS 110, BIOS 120 (8 hours)
Business Management
Standard or Higher Level 4–7 MGMT 340 (3 hours)
Standard Level 4–5 CHEM 100 (5 hours)
Standard Level 6 CHEM 122, CHEM 123 (5 hours)
Standard Level 7 CHEM 122, CHEM 123, CHEM 124, CHEM 125 (10 hours)
Higher Level 4 CHEM 100 (5 hours)
Higher Level 5 CHEM 122, CHEM 123 (5 hours)
Higher Level 6–7 CHEM 122, CHEM 123, CHEM 124, CHEM 125 (10 hours)
Chinese A Language and Literature
Standard or Higher Level 4–5 CHIN 103, CHIN 104 (8 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 6–7 CHIN 103, CHIN 104, CHIN 200 (11 hours)
Chinese A Literature
Standard or Higher Level 4–5 CHIN 103, CHIN 104 (8 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 6–7 CHIN 103, CHIN 104, CHIN 200 (11 hours)
Chinese Language B
Standard or Higher Level 4–5 CHIN 102, CHIN 103 (8 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 CHIN 103, CHIN 104 (8 hours)
Higher Level 6–7 CHIN 103, CHIN 104, CHIN 200 (11 hours)
Classic Greek and Roman Studies
Standard Level 4–5 CL 100, CL 101 (6 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 CL 100, CL 101, CL 202, CL 203 (12 hours)
Computer Science
Standard or Higher Level 4–5 Computer Science Elective Credit (3 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 CS 100 (3 hours)
Higher Level 6–7 CS 111 (3 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 4–7 Theatre Elective Credit (3 hours)
Design Technology
Standard or Higher Level 4–7 Design Elective Credit (4 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 4–5 Economics Elective Credit (4 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 6–7 ECON 120, ECON 121 (8 hours)
English Language A: Language and Literature
Higher or Standard Level 4–5 English Elective Credit (3 hours)
Higher or Standard Level 6–7 ENGL 160 (3 hours)
English Language A: Literature
Standard Level 4–5 English Elective Credit (3 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 ENGL 101 (3 hours)
Higher Level 4–7 ENGL 101 (3 hours)
English Language AB Initio
Standard Level 4–7 English Elective Credit (3 hours)
English Language B
Standard or Higher Level 4 English Elective Credit (3 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 5–7 ENGL 101 (3 hours)
Environmental Systems and Societies
Standard Level 4–5 Natural Science 100-Level Elective Credit (3 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 Natural Science 200-Level Elective Credit (5 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 4–7 Art Elective Credit (4 hours)
French Language A: Language and Literature
Standard Level 4 FR 102, FR 103 (8 hours)
Standard Level 5–6 FR 103, FR 104 (8 hours)
Standard Level 7 FR 103, FR 104, FR 200-Level Language Courseᵇ (11 hours)
Higher Level 4–5 FR 103, FR 104 (8 hours)
Higher Level 6–7 FR 103, FR 104, FR 200-Level Language Courseᵇ (11 hours)
French Language A: Literature
Standard or Higher Level 4–5 FR 103, FR 104 (8 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 FR 103, FR 104, FR 200-Level Language Courseᵇ (11 hours)
Higher Level 6 FR 103, FR 104, FR 200-Level Language Courseᵇ (11 hours)
Higher Level 7 French 200-Level Elective Credit, FR 103, FR 104 (14 hours)
French Language AB Initio
Standard Level 4–5 FR 102, FR 103 (8 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 FR 103, FR 104 (8 hours)
French Language B
Standard Level 4–5 FR 103, FR 104 (8 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 FR 103, FR 104, FR 200-Level Language Courseᵇ (11 hours)
Higher Level 4 FR 103, FR 104 (8 hours)
Higher Level 5–7 FR 103, FR 104, FR 200-Level Language Courseᵇ (11 hours)
Standard Level 4–7 GEOG 100 (3 hours)
Higher Level 4–5 GEOG 100 (3 hours)
Higher Level 6–7 GEOG 100, Geography Elective Credit (6 hours)
German Language A: Language and Literature
Standard Level 4–5 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211 (11 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211, GER 318 (14 hours)
Higher Level 4 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211 (11 hours)
Higher Level 5–7 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211, GER 318 (14 hours)
German Language A: Literature
Standard Level 4–5 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211 (11 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211, GER 318 (14 hours)
Higher Level 4 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211 (11 hours)
Higher Level 5–7 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211, GER 318 (14 hours)
German Language AB Initio
Standard Level 4–5 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211 (11 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211, GER 318 (14 hours)
German Language B
Standard Level 4–5 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211 (11 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211, GER 318 (14 hours)
Higher Level 4 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211 (11 hours)
Higher Level 5–7 GER 103, GER 104, GER 211, GER 318 (14 hours)
Global/World Politics
Standard or Higher Level 4–5 Political Science Elective Credit (3 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 6–7 POLS 184 (3 hours)
Greek Classic Languages
Standard or Higher Level 4–5 Classics Elective Credit (4 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 6–7 GKA 103, GKA 104 (8 hours)
History: Route 1
Standard Level 4–7 History Elective Credit (3 hours)
Higher Level 4 History Elective Credit (3 hours)
Higher Level 5–7 HIST 101 (3 hours)
History: 20th Century World History
Standard Level 4–7 History Elective Credit (3 hours)
History: Africa: Route 2, Option 1
Higher Level 4–7 History Elective Credit (3 hours)
History: Americas: Route 2, Option 2
Higher Level 4 History Elective Credit (3 hours)
Higher Level 5–7 HIST 104 (3 hours)
History: Asia/Oceania: Route 2, Option 3
Higher Level 4 History Elective Credit (3 hours)
Higher Level 5–7 HIST 109 (3 hours)
History: Europe/Middle East: Route 2, Option 4
Higher Level 4 History Elective Credit (3 hours)
Higher Level 5–7 HIST 101 (3 hours)
Human Rights
Standard Level 4–7 CLJ 110 (3 hours)
Information Technology in a Global Society
Standard or Higher Level 4–7 Information Technology Elective Credit (3 hours)
Italian Language AB Initio
Standard Level 4–6 ITAL 101, ITAL 102 (8 hours)
Standard Level 7 ITAL 102, ITAL 103 (8 hours)
Italian Language B
Standard Level 4–5 ITAL 103, ITAL 104 (8 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 ITAL 103, ITAL 104, ITAL 200 (11 hours)
Higher Level 4–7 ITAL 103, ITAL 104 , ITAL 200 (11 hours)
Japanese Language AB Initio
Standard Level 4 JPN 101 (4 hours)
Standard Level 5–7 JPN 101, JPN 102 (8 hours)
Japanese Language B
Standard or Higher Level 4 JPN 102, JPN 103 (8 hours)
Standard Level 5–7 JPN 103, JPN 104 (8 hours)
Higher Level 5–7 JPN 103, JPN 104, JPN 200 (11 hours)
Korean A Literature
Standard or Higher Level 4 KOR 102, KOR 103 (8 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 5–7 KOR 103, KOR 104, KOR 201 (11 hours)
Korean Language B
Standard or Higher Level 4 KOR 102, KOR 103 (8 hours)
Standard Level 5–7 KOR 103, KOR 104 (8 hours)
Higher Level 5–7 KOR 103, KOR 104, KOR 201 (11 hours)
Latin Classic Languages
Standard Level 4–5 LAT 101 (4 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 LAT 101, LAT 102 (8 hours)
Higher Level 4–5 LAT 102, LAT 103 (8 hours)
Higher Level 6–7 LAT 103, LAT 104 (8 hours)
Literature and Performance
Standard Level 4–7 English Elective Credit (3 hours)
Mandarin Language AB Initio
Standard Level 4–5 CHIN 101 (4 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 CHIN 101, CHIN 102 (8 hours)
Marine Science
Standard Level 4–5 Earth and Environmental Sciences Elective Credit (3 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 Earth and Environmental Sciences Elective Credit (4 hours)
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches
Standard Level 4–7 MATH 110
Higher Level 4–5 MATH 121
Higher Level 6–7 MATH 180
Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation
Standard Level 4–7 MATH 110
Higher Level 4–7 MATH 121
Higher Level 4–7 MUS 107 (3 hours)
Music: Option 1—Creating
Standard Level 4–7 MUS 107 (3 hours)
Music: Option 2—Performing
Standard Level 4–7 MUS 107 (3 hours)
Peace and Conflict Studies
Standard Level 4–5 Political Science Elective Credit (3 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 POLS 111 (3 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 4–5 Philosophy Elective Credit (3 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 6–7 PHIL 100 (3 hours)
Standard Level 4–7 Physics Elective Credit (4 hours)
Higher Level 4–7 Physics Elective Credit (5 hours)
Polish Language A: Literature
Standard Level 4–5 POL 103, POL 104 (8 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 POL 103, POL 104, POL 201 (11 hours)
Higher Level 4–5 POL 103, POL 104, POL 201 (11 hours)
Higher Level 6–7 POL 103, POL 104, POL 201, POL 202 (14 hours)
Political Thought
Standard Level 4–5 Political Science Elective Credit (3 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 POLS 120 (3 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 4–7 PSCH 100 (4 hours)
Russian Language A: Language and Literature
Standard Level 4–5 RUSS 101, RUSS 102 (8 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 RUSS 102, RUSS 103 (8 hours)
Higher Level 4–5 RUSS 103, RUSS 104 (8 hours)
Higher Level 6–7 RUSS 103, RUSS 104, RUSS 201 (11 hours)
Russian Language A: Literature
Standard Level 4–5 RUSS 101, RUSS 102 (8 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 RUSS 102, RUSS 103 (8 hours)
Higher Level 4–5 RUSS 103, RUSS 104 (8 hours)
Higher Level 6–7 RUSS 103, RUSS 104, RUSS 201 (11 hours)
Russian Language AB Initio
Standard Level 4–5 RUSS 101 (4 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 RUSS 101, RUSS 102 (8 hours)
Russian Language B
Standard Level 4–5 RUSS 101, RUSS 102 (8 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 RUSS 102, RUSS 103 (8 hours)
Higher Level 4–5 RUSS 103, RUSS 104 (8 hours)
Higher Level 6–7 RUSS 103, RUSS 104, RUSS 201 (11 hours)
Spanish Language A: Language and Literature
Standard or Higher Level 4–7 SPAN 103, SPAN 104, SPAN 200 (11 hours)
Spanish Language A: Literature
Standard or Higher Level 4–5 SPAN 103, SPAN 104, SPAN 200 (11 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 6–7 SPAN 103, SPAN 104, SPAN 202, SPAN 203 or SPAN 204, SPAN 210 (17 hours)
Spanish Language AB Initio
Standard Level 4–5 SPAN 101, SPAN 102 (8 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 SPAN 102, SPAN 103 (8 hours)
Spanish Language B
Standard Level 4–5 SPAN 113 (4 hours)
Standard Level 6–7 SPAN 113, SPAN 114 (8 hours)
Higher Level 4–5 SPAN 113, SPAN 114 (8 hours)
Higher Level 6–7 SPAN 113, SPAN 114, SPAN 202 (11 hours)
Sports, Exercise and Health Science
Standard Level 4–7 Kinesiology Elective Credit (3 hours)
Standard or Higher Level 4–7 Theatre Elective Credit (3 hours)
Visual Arts
Standard or Higher Level 4–7 Art Elective Credit (4 hours)
World Arts and Cultures
Standard Level 4–7 Art History Elective Credit (3 hours)
World Religions
Standard Level 4–7 RELS 101 (3 hours)

Students admitted prior to Fall 2024 should consult the archived catalog from their admission year for information on credit awarded for IB exams.


May satisfy requirements in the major/minor in place of FR 211, FR 212, FR 213, or FR 214.


Transfer students who have exam scores from Mathematical Studies, Mathematics, or Further Mathematics should consult the archived catalog for information on credit awarded.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

UIC awards credit based on scores earned on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). When seeking credit for a CLEP exam taken at another institution, your official score will be evaluated on UIC's credit-granting policy.  

CLEP credit will not count toward general education credit, university writing, quantitative reasoning, foreign language, advanced-level hours, residency, major, or minor requirements. A student cannot take a CLEP exam in a subject in which they have earned credit. Three elective (lower-level) semester hours will be awarded per exam as detailed below. A maximum of 30 semester hours is allowed.

The full list of CLEP tests available is available online. The Office of Testing Services administers CLEP tests on campus. For further information on CLEP examinations, call the UIC Testing Services at (312) 996-0919.

CLEP Exam Policy for Students Enrolled at UIC beginning in Fall 2024a

Exam Minimum Accepted Score
Composition and Literature
American Literature 53
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 59
College Composition 59
College Composition Modular 60
English Literature 62
Humanities 55
World Languages
French Language: Level 1 64
French Language: Level 2 69
German Language: Level 1 59
German Language: Level 2 67
Spanish Language: Level 1 56
Spanish Language: Level 2 68
History and Social Sciences
American Government 63
History of the United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 56
History of the United States: 1865 to the Present 57
Human Growth and Development 58
Introduction to Educational Psychology 62
Introductory Psychology 59
Introductory Sociology 56
Principles of Macroeconomics 62
Principles of Microeconomics 64
Social Sciences and History 62
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 55
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present 54
Science and Math
Biology 56
Calculus 64
Chemistry 65
College Algebra 63
College Mathematics 57
Natural Sciences 62
Precalculus 61
Financial Accounting 65
Information Systems 66
Introductory Business Law 60
Principles of Management 63
Principles of Marketing 65

Students admitted prior to Fall 2024 should consult the archived catalog from their admission year for information on credit awarded for CLEP exams.

A Level Examinations

A Level Policy for Students Admitted to and Enrolled at UIC Beginning in Fall 2024a

UIC awards credit on the basis of grades earned on Cambridge Advance Level Examinations (A Levels). UIC does not award credit for AS Level exams. Students who have completed an A Level examination not listed that they would like reviewed for credit should contact their academic advisor. 

Exam Grade Course Equivalent
Accounting A, B, C ACTG 210, ACTG 211 (6 hours)
Art and Design A, B, C CADA Elective (3 hours)
Biology A, B, C BIOS 110, BIOS 120 (8 hours)
Chemistry A, B, C CHEM 122, CHEM 124 (6 hours)
Chinese A, B, C 200-Level Chinese (4 hours)
Classical Studies A, B, C CL 100, CL 101 (6 hours)
Computer Science A, B, C CS 100 (3 hours)
Design and Technology A, B, C Non-Major Design Elective (3 hours)
Digital Media and Design A, B, C Non-Major Design Elective or Non-Major Art Elective (3 hours)
Economics A, B, C ECON 120, ECON 121 (8 hours)
English - Language A, B, C ENGL 101 (3 hours)
English - Literature A, B, C ENGL 101 (3 hours)
French A, B, C 200-Level French (3 hours)
Geography A, B, C GEOG 100 (3 hours)
German A, B, C GER 211 (3 hours)
History A, B, C 100-Level History (3 hours)
Information Technology A, B, C IDS 200 (4 hours)
Mathematics A, B MATH 180, 200-Level Math (7 hours)
Mathematics - Further A, B MATH 180, MATH 181, MATH 215, STAT 401 (14 hours)
Media Studies A, B, C 200-Level Communication (3 hours)
Music A, B, C Non-Major Music Elective (3 hours)
Physics A, B, C Physics 9702: PHYS 131, PHYS 132 (8 hours) OR Physics 9702 and Mathematics 9709: PHYS 141, PHYS 142 (8 hours)
Psychology A, B, C PSCH 100 (4 hours)
Sociology A, B, C SOC 100 (3 hours)
Spanish A, B, C SPAN 202 (3 hours)

Students admitted prior to Fall 2024 should consult the archived catalog from their admission year for information on credit awarded for A Level Examinations.

State Seal of Biliteracy

Students who present appropriate documentation of the Seal to their advisor within three years of high school graduation will be awarded UIC proficiency credit as indicated below. For languages not listed below, 4 semester hours of foreign language elective credit will be awarded. The State Seal of Biliteracy must be earned in Illinois to be recognized by UIC. 

Seal Course Equivalent
Chinese CHIN 103, CHIN 104 (8 hours)
French FR 103 (4 hours)
German GER 103, GER 104 (8 hours)
Italian ITAL 103 (4 hours)
Japanese JPN 103, JPN 104 (8 hours)
Korean KOR 103, KOR 104 (8 hours)
Latin LAT 299 (3 hours)
Polish POL 104 (4 hours)
Russian RUSS 104 (4 hours)
Spanish SPAN 104 (4 hours)

Proficiency Examinations for Enrolled Students

Proficiency examinations may be offered in some subjects. Students should consult with the department to determine which examinations are offered. Before taking any proficiency examination, the student must obtain the consent of the college dean as well as the head or chairperson of the department concerned. Proficiency examinations in foreign languages are restricted to post-intermediate levels. No proficiency examinations are given at the introductory or intermediate levels of a foreign language.

Proficiency examinations in more advanced undergraduate subjects may also be given if the head or chairperson of the department recommends and the dean of the college concerned approves it. There is no fee for these examinations.

The grade given in proficiency examinations is either “pass” or “fail” but a student does not receive a “pass” unless at least the equivalent of a C is earned. Neither grade is included in the computation of the student’s average; no official record is made of a “fail.”

A student who passes a proficiency examination is given the amount of credit toward graduation regularly allowed in the course if the course is acceptable in the curriculum. However, if such credit duplicates credit counted for admission to the university, it is not given.

Proficiency examinations are given only to:

  1. Persons who are in residence at UIC.
  2. Persons who, though not currently enrolled, are degree candidates at the university and need no more than 10 semester hours to complete their degree requirements.
  3. Persons enrolled at one University of Illinois campus who wish to take an examination being given at another campus. They must secure an Application for Concurrent Registration from the Office of the Registrar.

Proficiency examinations may not be taken:

  1. By students who have received credit for more than one term of work in the subject in advance of the course in which the examination is requested.
  2. To raise grades or to improve failures in courses.
  3. In a course the student has attended as a visitor/auditor.

Credit earned through proficiency examinations neither applies toward nor interrupts the enrollment residence requirement. See Enrollment Residence Requirement in the University Degree Requirements, Graduation, and Commencement section of the catalog.

Credit for Military Service

Completion of not less than six months of extended duty in any branch of the armed forces of the United States entitles an applicant to four semester hours in basic military science. These four hours will not be used in determining grade point average for transfer admission. Some colleges may limit or not allow credit in basic military science to count toward the degree. Refer to the sections for the individual colleges in this catalog for details.

Credit at the baccalaureate level will not be issued for coursework from the American Council on Education Military Guide. Colleges will work with students to obtain proficiency credit for associated coursework.

Courses successfully completed at a regionally or nationally accredited post-secondary institutiona, taken while the student was in service, will be reviewed for transferability after an offer of admission. It is the enrolled student’s responsibility to have transcripts from all institutions attended sent directly to the Office of Admissions. Students who transfer coursework may anticipate some loss of credit. This might require more time to complete the degree than had been originally planned. When the loss of credit occurs, it does not imply a negative evaluation of a student’s transfer work but rather a lack of appropriateness for the programs of the college. Attendance at orientation is strongly encouraged as an individualized assessment of progress-to-degree and appropriate course selection will be reviewed.


The university evaluates transfer work completed at institutions accredited by a regional or national accrediting organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), including institutions under candidacy status.

Alternative Sources of Credit for Continuing Students

Demonstrating Writing Proficiency for a Waiver of English 160 or English 161

The First-Year Writing Program in the Department of English is responsible for administering waivers of ENGL 160 or ENGL 161 to eligible students. Please note that a waiver of the course will simply remove the degree requirement for the course but will not grant a student three hours of passing credit for the course. Students should consult the First-Year Writing Program for more information on the writing portfolios described below.

The ENGL 160 requirement is waived for students who:

  • Received an ACT English subscore of 27 or higher, an SAT Evidence-Based Critical Reading score of 630 or higher; students meeting this criterion receive three hours of passing credit for ENGL 160.
  • Received a score of 3, 4, or 5 on the AP English Language and Composition test; students meeting this criterion receive three hours of passing credit for ENGL 160.
  • Received a score of 6 or 7 on the IB English A (Language & Literature) test; students meeting this criterion receive 3 hours of passing credit for ENGL 160.
  • Qualify for and submit a writing portfolio that is approved by the First-Year Writing Program at UIC; students meeting this criterion receive a waiver of the ENGL 160 coursework requirement.

The ENGL 161 requirement is waived for students who:

Retroactive Credit for Writing Composition

A student who places into ENGL 161 via the Writing Placement Test and subsequently passes ENGL 161 with a grade of B or higher may receive academic proficiency credit for ENGL 160. The ENGL 160 requirement would still be waived for any student who does not earn a grade of B or higher in ENGL 161, but credit for ENGL 160would not be granted. This would apply only to incoming students who place into ENGL 161 via the placement test and who do not have prior credit for college writing coursework.

Additionally, a student who places into ENGL 161 via the Writing Placement Test and subsequently passes HUM 120 with a final grade of B or higher may receive academic proficiency credit for ENGL 160. The ENGL 160 requirement would still be waived for any student who does not earn a grade of B or higher in HUM 120, but credit for ENGL 160 would not be granted. 

Grading and the Grade Point System

UIC utilizes a 4.00 grade point system, where 4.00 = A. See chart below:

Grades Equivalent Grade Points Per Hour
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Poor but passing 1
F Failure 0


The following symbols are used in grading, but are not included in computation of the grade point average.

Symbol Description
W Withdrawn. Withdrawn from the course without penalty (no grade).
DFR Deferred. Grade deferred (graduate courses, independent study courses, and certain study abroad courses only).
S/U Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Used in graduate thesis research courses, graduate courses given for zero credit, and some undergraduate courses for which this grade is specifically approved.
S* Satisfactory. Credit earned does not apply toward earned hours or graduation.
CR/NC Credit/No Credit. Used only in courses taken under credit/no credit option. See Credit/No Credit heading in this section of the catalog.
NR Not Recorded.
I Incomplete. Coursework is incomplete when a student fails to submit all required assignments or is absent from the final examination. Incomplete coursework will normally result in a failing grade if it is not completed within the designated time limit. The I may be assigned in lieu of a grade only when all of the following conditions are met: (a) the student has been making satisfactory progress in the course; (b) the student is unable to complete all coursework due to unusual circumstances that are beyond personal control and are acceptable to the instructor; and (c) the student presents these reasons prior to the time the final grade roster is due. The instructor must submit an Incomplete Grade Assignment report when entering final grades for the I to be recorded. This report is a contract for the student to complete the coursework with that instructor or one designated by the department executive officer in the way described and by a time indicated on the report. In resolving the I, the student may not register for the course a second time, but must follow the procedures detailed on the report. An I must be removed within one calendar year subsequent to the incurrence of the I. When the student submits the coursework, the instructor will grade it and change the I to the appropriate grade. If an undergraduate student fails to meet the stated conditions, an F will be assigned for the final grade.
PS Pass is used for proficiency and special examinations.
F Failure

Credit/No Credit Option

Students may elect to take a course under the credit/no credit option according to the following provisions:

  1. The student must be in good standing as defined by the chosen college.
  2. A maximum of 21 semester hours of credit may be earned at UIC under the credit/no credit option. If a student withdraws from a credit/no credit course before the end of the last day of instruction in the tenth week of the term, the semester hours the course carries will not count toward the total of 21 authorized.
  3. No more than one course per term may be taken under this option.
  4. This option may not be used in any course required for the major, including prerequisite and collateral courses.a
  5. The option may not be used for ENGL 160 and ENGL 161.
  6. The credit/no credit option in a course must be elected by the end of the tenth day of instruction of the term.
  7. The credit/no credit option in a course cannot be revoked after the close of the tenth day of instruction in the term.
  8. A college or school may by action of its faculty institute a more restrictive policy for any or all of the above provisions.
  9. Instructors are not informed that the option has been elected but assign a letter grade in the usual manner. The Office of the Registrar retains a record of that letter grade in the student records system, but it is not entered on the student transcript, except as hereafter provided.
  10. For courses taken under the credit/no credit option, a grade of CR is recorded on the transcript if a letter grade of A, B, C, or D is earned. If the letter grade F is assigned, an NC is entered on the transcript. Grades of I and DFR are replaced by CR or NC upon completion of the courses or converted to NC if the course completion deadline for an I is not met.
  11. The grades of CR and NC are not used in the computation of the GPA.
  12. Grades of CR and NC are final and cannot be reconverted to letter grades, except under the following circumstances. If, during the student’s final term prior to graduation, it is found that one or more of the courses needed to satisfy major field requirements were completed under the credit/no credit option at UIC (prior to the declaration of the major or prior to intercollegiate or intercurricular transfer), the student may elect that a sufficient number of CR grades be replaced by the originally assigned letter grades to meet major requirements. Only the minimum number of reconversions will be made. If such a minimum can be met by more than one selection of reconversions, the student may indicate a preference. This same policy applies in the case of any additional restrictions instituted by a college or school under Provision 8.
  13. Students must apply at their college office no later than the tenth day of the term (first Wednesday of Summer Session 1 or first Friday of Summer Session 2) to have a course designated for credit/no credit grading option.

Collateral courses are those courses taken outside the major department that are essential to the major and are defined as such by each college.

Calculating the Grade Point Average (GPA)

Take the grades for each course taken and determine the grade points per hour: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0.

  • Multiply the grade points per hour for each course by the number of semester hours for the course to get the grade points for each course.
  • Add the grade points for each course to get the total number of grade points for the semester.
  • Add the semester hours taken for each course to get the total number of semester hours.
  • Divide total number of grade points for the semester by the total number of semester hours taken.

The following example illustrates how to calculate the GPA.

Grades Grade Points/Hour Semester Hours Attempted Grade Points/Course
A 4 X 4 = 16
B 3 X 3 = 9
C 2 X 5 = 10
D 1 X 3 = 3
F 0 X 2 = 0
Semester Totals 17 38

The GPA for the example above is 38 divided by 17 or 2.23 on a 4.00 scale (2.23/4.00).

Note: Courses numbered 001–099 do not carry credit toward graduation. Grades for these courses are not calculated in the GPA.

Time Limit on Grade Changes

Changes/corrections to final grades are permitted up to two years after recording the final grade in a student’s academic record so long as the course instructor, department chair/head, and college office approve of the change/correction. No grade changes/corrections are allowed after the two-year time limitation. Colleges are permitted, however, to adopt a more restrictive time limit policy. Students should check with their colleges concerning the time limit policy.

Full- and Part-Time Enrollment Status

Semester Hours Taken Academic Term Enrollment Status
12–18a Fall and spring semesters Full-time status
6–12a Summer session Full-time status
9–11 Fall and spring semesters Three-quarters-time status
5 Summer session Three-quarters-time status
6–8 Fall and spring semesters Half-time status
3–4 Summer session Half-time status
5 or less Fall and spring semesters Less than half-time status
2 or less Summer session Less than half-time status

Enrollment in more than 18 semester hours in fall or spring, or more than 12 semester hours in summer is considered overload. Overload requires permission from the student’s major college. 

The university uses full- and part-time enrollment in the assessment of tuition and fees. It is also used in determining eligibility for financial aid and the rules governing satisfactory academic progress for renewal of financial aid. In addition, some degree programs require or recommend full-time enrollment.

Academic Notice and Dismissal Rules

The following are minimum UIC undergraduate term notice, academic notice, and dismissal criteria that apply to both full-time and part-time students. Colleges or programs may have higher standards.

Term Notice Rules

  1. A student not currently on academic notice or term notice will be placed on term notice at the end of any term in which the student earns less than a 2.00/4.00 grade point average but whose cumulative grade point average is equal to or greater than a 2.00/4.00. For such a student, term notice serves as a warning.

A student on term notice who earns a GPA of at least 2.00/4.00 will be removed from term notice.

Academic Notice Rules

  1. A student not currently on academic notice will be placed on academic notice at the end of any term in which the student earns a cumulative or UIC GPA less than a 2.00/4.00. This rule applies even for the student with a cumulative GPA of 2.00/4.00 or higher. For such a student, academic notice serves as a warning.
  2. An entering transfer student may be placed on academic notice when admitted by petition with a cumulative GPA lower than 2.00/4.00.
  3. A student readmitted by petition may be placed on academic notice with a UIC GPA lower than 2.00/4.00.
  4. A student readmitted by petition may be placed on academic notice when admitted with a combined cumulative GPA from UIC and other institutions that is lower than 2.00/4.00.

A student on academic notice who earns a GPA of at least 2.00/4.00 in a given term will be removed from academic notice, provided the student’s cumulative GPA in all work taken at UIC is at least 2.00/4.00. Further, for the student with transfer credit, the combined average of the student’s transfer credit and UIC coursework must also be at least a 2.00/4.00.

A student currently on academic notice will be continued on academic notice when the one of the following occurs:

  1. The student meets the GPA required by the conditions of their academic notice but does not raise the cumulative UIC GPA to at least 2.00/4.00; or
  2. The student meets the GPA required by the conditions of their academic notice but does not raise the combined average of the student’s transfer credit and UIC coursework to at least 2.00/4.00.

The dean of the student’s college determines the conditions of academic notice. In addition to specifying the GPA, the dean may require the completion of specific courses, may limit the number of hours for which the student registers, and may exclude the student from taking certain courses while on academic notice.

Dismissal Rulesa

  1. A student on academic notice may be dismissed from the university in any term in which the student fails to meet the grade point average required by the academic notice and in which the cumulative GPA in courses taken at UIC is less than 2.00/4.00.
  2. A student on academic notice may be dismissed from the university in any term in which the student fails to meet the GPA required by the academic notice and in which the combined transfer and UIC grade point average is less than 2.00/4.00.
  3. A student who fails to make progress toward a degree may be dismissed. Examples include failure to complete required courses, accumulation of an excessive number of Incomplete grades, failure to earn credit in any semester, failure to maintain a C average in the major discipline.
  4. In addition to the term notice, academic notice, and dismissal rules above, a college or a school may impose criteria for dismissing a student from a curriculum or college without a prior term notice or academic notice, may impose other conditions of term notice or academic notice, and may specify a minimum lapse of time between a dismissal action and consideration of a petition for readmission. The dismissal rules may be waived when, in the judgment of the student’s college, the student’s overall record warrants such action.

In other university publications Dismissal Rules are sometimes referred to as Drop Rules. Term Notice and Academic Notice may be referred to as Probation.