Disability Studies
Mailing Address:
Office of Student Affairs (MC 626)
Department of Disability and Human Development
1640 West Roosevelt Road
Chicago, IL 60608-6904
Contact Information:
Campus Location: 207 DHSP
(312) 996-1508
Department Head: Tamar Heller
Director of Graduate Studies: Sarah Parker Harris
Academic Coordinator: Maitha Abogado, maitha@uic.edu
Program Codes:
The Department of Disability and Human Development offers work leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in Disability Studies. The department also offers the Master of Science program in Disability and Human Development; see that section of the catalog for more information. Interdepartmental concentrations in Gender and Women’s Studies, Museum and Exhibition Studies, and Black Studies are available to students in these degree programs.
Admission and Degree Requirements
DHD 400. Disability and Human Development Capstone. 1 hour.
Students work with advocacy, research and/or policy organizations to apply the knowledge they gained through disability and human development coursework in a practical setting that addresses issues related to people with disabilities. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. Field work required. Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): Open only to seniors; and consent of the instructor. Juniors must have the consent of instructors in order to be allowed to register. A minimum of 18 credits of DHD completed coursework is required. Recommended background: Seniors in their final year of the Bachelor of Science program in Disability and Human Development.
DHD 401. Disability, Human Development and Community Participation. 3 hours.
Surveys foundational concepts and issues in disability studies and human development. Students will develop a framework for understanding disability from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Course Information: Taught online. Prerequisite(s): Students enrolled in the BS in Disability and Human Development: DHD 101 and at least 6 additional hours of disability and human development coursework must be completed or consent of the instructor; Graduate students: no prerequisites.
DHD 403. Disability in Latino Communities. 3 hours.
Designed to examine the distinct needs of Latino families and communities in the US and in Latin American countries, and their experiences with disabilities.
DHD 404. Disability, Sexuality, and Health. 3 or 4 hours.
Explores how political, social, and cultural systems as well as historical contexts shape understandings and experiences of disability, sexuality, and health. Course Information: Same as GWS 404. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above; or consent of the instructor.
DHD 407. Cultural Politics of Disability and Health. 3 or 4 hours.
Examines the construction and circulation of knowledge about bodies, health, medicine and impairment from a disability studies perspective. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
DHD 408. Disability Through the Lifecourse. 3 hours.
Provides an overview of varying approaches to the study of disability through the life course from early childhood to adulthood and aging. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above; or consent of the instructor.
DHD 409. Disability Legal Studies. 2 hours.
An interdisciplinary approach to key debates, theories, research, and practices related to disability and law within the critical framework of Disability Legal Studies. Course Information: Taught online.
DHD 411. Disability Policy, Technology, and Practice. 3 hours.
Introduction to a broad range of disability policies and technologies, focusing on application of policy and technology in practice across a range of contexts.
DHD 412. Disability Representation, Culture, and Practice. 3 hours.
Introduction to disability culture best practices for creating accessible and inclusive representations across a range of contexts from social media to non-profit messaging and marketing.
DHD 420. Mental Health, Asian Americans, and Community Engagement. 3 or 4 hours.
In partnership with Chicago’s Asian American communities and using community engagement methodologies, this course will offer an interdisciplinary, team-approach to explore taboo-related mental health issues. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.
DHD 440. Introduction to Assistive Technology: Principles and Practice. 3 hours.
Principles and exemplary practice of assistive technology used by individuals with disabilities, including augmentative communication, seating, mobility, computer access, environmental control, home modifications, and worksite modifications. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of the instructor. Recommended background: Undergraduate enrolled in health sciences, education, or engineering and working professionals seeking to develop assistive technology as an area of concentration.
DHD 441. Adaptive Equipment Design and Fabrication. 3 hours.
Examination of the interaction between design and disability, through comparison of appropriate design theories, materials, and work on consumer-based issues. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing; or DHD 440 and consent of the instructor. Recommended background: Undergraduates enrolled in health sciences, education, or engineering, or working professionals seeking to develop assistive technology as an area of concentration.
DHD 442. Disability, Communication, and Social Participation. 2 or 3 hours.
Focuses on communication within disability across the lifespan. Topics include Communication Bill of Rights, varying communication disabilities, and the use of augmentative and alternative communication strategies and tools. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Prerequisite(s): DHD 440.
DHD 450. Topics in Disability Studies. 3 or 4 hours.
This course will focus on topics structured around particular aspects of Disability Studies and its practical, cultural, and theoretical implications. Course Information: Same as ENGL 450. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated up to 1 time(s). Previously listed as DHD 445. Recommended background: Any of ENGL 207-209, 245, 344, 345, 347, or 350. Junior standing or above.
DHD 494. Special Topics in Disability and Human Development. 1-4 hours.
Systematic study of selected topics in disability and human development. Course Information: May be repeated. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of the instructor.
DHD 501. Disability Studies I. 4 hours.
Provides analysis of contemporary classification and diagnosis systems for disability as well as the conceptual foundations for disabilty studies as a content area. Course Information: Previously listed as DIS 501.
DHD 502. Disability Studies II. 4 hours.
Current approaches and practices in disability studies, critically considered from a variety of perspectives. Service delivery systems and the influence that civil rights and self determination have had. Course Information: Previously listed as DIS 502. Prerequisite(s): DHD 501.
DHD 505. Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities I. 4 hours.
Introduces students to issues related to disabilities, including leadership, public health, interdisciplinary training and practice, emerging issues, cultural competence, family centered care, and research. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Approval of the Department.
DHD 506. Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities II. 3 hours.
Emphasizes the leadership competencies of the MCH Bureau pertaining to disability issues: MCH knowledge, cultural competency, family-centered care, interdisciplinary team-building, community and systems, and policy and advocacy. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): DHD 505 Students must be accepted into the Illinois Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) program.
DHD 507. Disability Accessibility. 3 hours.
Provides foundational knowledge and skills-based training in disability accessibility standards and best practices. Recommended background: DHD 411 and DHD 412.
DHD 508. Disability Inclusion and Organizational Change. 3 hours.
Examines inclusion, access, and organizational change in practice for people with disabilities in different workplace settings. Course Information:
Recommended background: DHD 411 and DHD 412.
DHD 509. Disability and Civil Rights. 3 hours.
Examines disability civil rights laws focusing on the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
DHD 510. Concepts in Interdisciplinary Research on Disability. 3 hours.
Core concepts and methodologies of the major research traditions used in disability research.
DHD 511. Disability Coordination and Services. 3 hours.
Provides foundational knowledge and skills-based training in disability coordination and services. Course Information: Recommended background: DHD 411 and 412.
DHD 512. Disability Access in the Arts. 3 hours.
Provides students with the skill to facilitate access within arts and culture venues, with a focus on the creative aspects of access. Course Information: Recommended background: DHD 411 and DHD 412.
DHD 514. Ethical Issues in Disability. 2-3 hours.
Examines contemporary ethical issues affecting the lives of persons with disabilities and disability professionals. Critiques the application of ethical principles to problems of genetics, treatment decisions and competency. Course Information: Extensive computer use required.
DHD 515. Statistical Methods and SPSS in Disability Research. 3 hours.
Designed to provide an overview of statistical methods used in disability and disability related research and give students SPSS hands-on experience to analyze quantitative data. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): An introductory course in statistics.
DHD 517. Ethics and Disability: Contemporary Problems. 2 or 3 hours.
Ethical theories and ethical decision-making are examined from an interdisciplinary disability studies perspective in relation to people with disabilities. Topics include assisted suicide, de-institutionalization, and genetic discrimination. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): DHD 514 or consent of the instructor.
DHD 526. Family Perspectives on Disability. 3 hours.
Examines trends, theories and research methods, policies, and family centered intervention approaches for families of persons with disabilities. Course Information: Same as CHSC 526. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
DHD 528. Race, Culture, and Health Disparities. 2-3 hours.
Focuses on developing students’ critical thinking skills as they relate to race, health disparities and engaging in culturally responsive care. Course Information: Same as KN 538 and OT 528. Students registering for 3 hours of credit complete an immersion activity and a research paper. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of the instructor.
DHD 530. Disability Oppression and Resistance. 3 hours.
Combines social theory that addresses a wide variety of disability studies concerns (ideology, oppression, empowerment, consciousness, and the body) with approaches on how best to use these theories to analyze the disability experience.
DHD 535. Advocacy and Empowerment in Disability. 3 hours.
In-depth review of academic literature on advocacy and empowerment. Relevant theories, research, and interventions in the context of individuals with disabilities will be reviewed.
DHD 540. Disability Access and Inclusion Capstone. 2 hours.
A required capstone for students enrolled in the Master of Science program in Disability Access and Inclusion. Students will synthesize core program knowledge and demonstrate application of essential skills. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Twenty hours of DHD coursework (core and required concentration) in the Master of Science program in Disability Access and Inclusion.
DHD 541. Advanced Concepts in Disability Research. 3 hours.
Seminar-based applications of advanced scholarship skills. Topics covered include problem formulation, manuscript development, and critical reviews.
DHD 542. Advanced Concept in Disability Research II. 3 hours.
Second course of a 2 seminar sequence developing advanced scholarship skills. Topics include methodological implications, relationship of tradition of inquiry to data and its analysis, and limits of interpretation within the research paradigms. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): DHD 541.
DHD 543. Program Evaluation: Documenting the Impact of Human Services. 3 hours.
Examines methods in program evaluation with emphasis on empowerment and participatory evaluation. Students will study quantitative and qualitative strategies, how to communicate information to stakeholders, and how to design evaluations. Course Information: Same as OT 553. Recommended background: Interest in research, health or behavioral sciences, and implementation and evaluation of community initiatives and community-based organizations.
DHD 544. Assistive Technology in Early Childhood Settings. 2 hours.
The legal foundations, family-centered approaches, and tools to support participation in home- and play-based activities for children 0-5 years of age. Course Information: Extensive computer use required.
DHD 546. Qualitative Methods in Disability Research. 4 hours.
Examines qualitative research methods, design, data collection, analysis, and report-writing. Issues of ethical conduct, power relationships, and collaborative approaches.
DHD 548. Assistive Technology Tools in the PK-12 Educational Setting. 3 hours.
Explores a range of tool features, specific products, and training strategies to support active participation and learning in educational settings for students ages 3-22 with high and low incidence disabilities. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Recommended Background: Experience working in special education as an educator, paraprofessional or related service provider (e.g., OT, PT, SLP).
DHD 549. 3D Printing for Assistive Technology Applications. 1 hour.
3D printing is an emerging tool within Assistive Technology (AT). Covers the basics of 3D printing in AT for customizing and fabricating low-cost adaptive devices without needing to own a 3D printer.
DHD 550. Technology to Support Universal Design for Learning in K-12. 1 hour.
Provides an introduction to universal design for learning (UDL) and technology to support the 3 main areas: multiple means of engagement, multiple means of representation, and multiple means of expression. Course Information: Extensive computer use required.
DHD 551. Access Assessment for AAC, Computers, and Mobile Technologies in Assistive Technology. 2 hours.
Covers the assessment process for identifying alternative access methods along with training strategies for developing an access method for individuals with a disability, using AAC, computers and mobile technologies, children to adults. Course Information: Should have a familiarity with using computers and mobile technologies. Prerequisite(s): DHD 440. Recommended background: Speech-Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Special Education, Engineering.
DHD 553. Assistive Technology for Individuals Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired. 1 hour.
An overview of assistive technology for people who are blind or visually impaired, including screen magnification software, screen reading software, OCR software, braille technologies, low vision devices, and smart phone/tablet accessibility. Course Information: Meets 5 weeks of the semester.Recommended background: DHD 440 and basic computer and smartphone literacy.
DHD 554. Augmentative Communication Assessment. 3 hours.
Augmentative communication assessment strategies and evaluation of materials development. Utilizes case examples for discussion of specific approaches for different ages, disabilities, and settings. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): DHD 440. Recommended background: Speech-Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Special Education.
DHD 555. Consideration, Assessment and Documentation of Assistive Technology in PreK-12 Educational Setting. 3 hours.
An introduction to the delivery of assistive technology (AT) services in the PreK-12 educational setting. Includes the legal foundation, models of AT service delivery, and practical components of AT consideration, assessment, and documentation. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): DHD 440.
DHD 556. Seating and Positioning for Wheelchair Mobility. 1 hour.
Focuses on assessment of seating & positioning for functional use of a manual/powered wheelchair for those with physical disabilities. Assessment procedures, technology selection, funding, & applicable research are covered. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Taught online. Prerequisite(s): DHD 440; or consent of the instructor.
DHD 557. Manual and Powered Wheelchair Technologies. 2 hours.
Covers manual and powered wheelchair designs and components used by individuals with physical disabilities. Performance adjustments, access methods, electronics, transportation standards, securement systems, funding and related research are included. Course Information: Taught online over a consecutive 10 week period. Prerequisite(s): DHD 556; and consent of the instructor. Recommended background: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, Special Education, Engineering.
DHD 559. Ergonomics and Safety for Workers with Disabilities. 1 hour.
The course highlights various aspects of reasonable accommodation at jobsites, including the provision of ergonomic equipment, modified- and custom-tools, computer workstations, environmental features, and emergency evacuation equipment. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Meets 5 weeks of the semester. Recommended background: DHD 440.
DHD 561. Disability and Community Participation: Policy, Systems Change and Action Research. 4 hours.
Focuses on the critical examination of disability policy, activism, and research. Emphasis on conducting participatory action research in collaboration with constituents with disabilities, community organizations, and policy makers. Course Information: Same as OT 561. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Recommended background: Previous coursework in disability policy, disability empowerment research and qualitative research.
DHD 562. Built in Accessibility Features of Computers and Smart Devices. 1 hour.
Focuses on accessibility options that are built into the Windows and Mac Operating systems as well as accessibility options built into the iOS and Android (multiple platforms) systems.Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Meets 5 weeks of the semester.
DHD 565. Research Methodology and Outcomes Measures in Rehabilitation Technology. 3 hours.
Analyzes the research process in rehabilitation technology and assistive technology and how such analyisis leads to the development of a research proposal. Outcome measures related to assistive technology will be evaluated for their applicability. Course Information: Same as OT 565. Recommended background: Engineering, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Special Education, and Speech and Language Pathology.
DHD 566. Introduction to Microcontrollers in Assistive Technology. 2 hours.
Introduces students to entry-level electronics utilizing microcontrollers. Students are guided in constructing projects with an Assistive Technology focus (i.e., adaptive switches, alternate computer input controls and EADL devices). Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Prerequisite(s): DHD 440; or consent of the instructor. Class schedule information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture and one Laboratory-Discussion.
DHD 567. Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 2 hours.
Explores augmentative communication methods and intervention strategies for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Course Information: Taught online. Extensive computer use required. Prerequisite(s): DHD 440; or consent of the instructor. Recommended Background: Minimum bachelors degree in communication disorders, occupational therapy, psychology, special education or a related field.
DHD 568. Supporting Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Educational Settings. 3 hours.
Explores instruction and intervention strategies that can be used in inclusive K-12 settings to aid language and educational growth for students who use augmentative communication systems. Course Information: Taught online. Extensive computer use required. Prerequisite(s): DHD 440; or consent of the instructor. Recommended Background: Minimum bachelors degree in communication disorders, occupational therapy, psychology, special education or a related field.
DHD 569. Environmental Modification. 1 hour.
The course highlights accessibility changes to public and private spaces, especially housing, which are needed due to the Americans with Disabilities Act, age-in-place trends, and community integration initiatives of individuals with disabilities. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Meets 5 weeks of the semester. Recommended background: DHD 440.
DHD 570. Disability and Culture. 3 hours.
Development of a cultural comparative approach in disability studies; American and cross-cultural aspects of disability; imagery of disability; disability and the body: gender and life-course issues, cultures of disability. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): DHD 401 or consent of the instructor.
DHD 572. Modern History of Disability in the United States and around the World. 4 hours.
Explores several aspects of disability experiences in modern America and around the world. The course will focus on case studies and themes in the disability experience during the late 19th through the 21st centuries. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Graduate or professional standing.
DHD 573. Disability and Global Health. 2 or 3 hours.
Focuses on disability and health equity in a global context. The course addresses disability-related health disparities and their determinants in the context of global poverty, development aid and humanitarian crises. Course Information: Same as OT 563. Recommended background: DHD 202.
DHD 574. Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation. 3 hours.
Using an equity focused model, students will form knowledge translation collaboratives to both learn and apply knowledge translation principles for advocacy, education, and clinical practice. Course Information: Same as OT 571. Prerequisite(s): OT 510; or DHD 510; and consent of the instructor.
DHD 576. Visualizing the Body. 4 hours.
Survey of key moments in the representational life of disability in film. Film portrayals of disability will be analyzed from the perspective of narrative theory, film grammar, and social history. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Graduate or professional standing.
DHD 578. Learning, Teaching, Curriculum Design, Delivery and Evaluation. 0-4 hours.
Using didactic material and experiential learning, students learn about teaching philosophy and strategies, learning theories, and curriculum design. Students design, deliver and evaluate effective teaching and learning in a variety of contexts. Course Information: Same as OT 568. May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice.
DHD 581. Disability Policy. 2 hours.
Provides a foundation of disability policy from a disability studies perspective. Introduces key disability policies, political/ideological approaches, and policymaking processes. Course Information: This is an online course.
DHD 584. International Human Rights, Policy and Disability. 3 hours.
Provides an overview of international human rights, policy and disability. Focus on historical, moral, legal and economic discourses of human rights for people with disabilities. Emphasis on comparative analysis of rights, policy and disability. Course Information: This course has an online component for all students. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
DHD 589. Current Research in Disability Studies. 1 hour.
A review of the current primary source literature in the area of disability research. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 10 hours. Previously listed as DIS 589. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
DHD 590. Field Experience in Disability and Human Development. 0-12 hours.
Opportunities for guided experience working with agencies, families, and persons with disabilities providing concrete, practical applications of concepts and principles of disability and human development. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours. Prerequisite(s): DHD 401 and DHD 415; or consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Discussion/Recitation and one Practice.
DHD 592. Interdisciplinary Seminar in Disability Studies. 1 hour.
Students, faculty, and guest speakers present topics addressing current issues in research in the area of disability studies. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours. Students may register in more than one section per term. Previously listed as DIS 595. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the faculty adviser.
DHD 593. Independent Research. 1-8 hours.
Advanced study and analysis of a topic selected by a student under the supervision of a faculty member. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
DHD 594. Advanced Special Topics in Disability and Human Development. 1-4 hours.
Systematic study of advanced selected topics in disability and human development. Course Information: May be repeated. Students may register in more than one section per term.
DHD 595. Seminar in Disability and Human Development. 1-4 hours.
Identifies and analyzes a broad range of issues related to disability and human development. Topics vary according to student interests and instructor availability. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
DHD 596. Independent Study. 1-4 hours.
Advanced study and analysis of a topic under guidance of a faculty member. Course Information: May be repeated. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
DHD 597. Project Research. 0-16 hours.
Independent research project under the supervision of a faculty member. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in the M.S. in Disability and Human Development program and consent of the instructor.
DHD 598. Master's Thesis Research. 0-16 hours.
Thesis research to fulfill master's degree requirements. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in the M.S. in Disability and Human Development program and consent of the instructor.
DHD 599. Ph.D. Thesis Research. 0-16 hours.
Independent research in one area of disability studies. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Previously listed as DIS 599. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in the Ph.D. in Disability Studies program and consent of the instructor.