Department of Disability and Human Development


DHD 100. Disability and Human Development Seminar. 1 hour.

Introduces students to resources, academic skill building, professional development, and career exploration in the field of Disability and Human Development. Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester.

DHD 101. Disability in U.S. Society. 3 hours.

Explores the variety of approaches to understanding disability in personal, social, economic, artistic, and political contexts. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll ine one Lecture-Discussion and one Discussion. Individual and Society course, and US Society course.

DHD 102. Disability in American Film. 3 hours.

Introduces students to the portrayal of disability in American cinema. What does cinema offer to our cultural understanding of disability? Course Information: Previously listed as DHD 176. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll ine one Lecture-Discussion and one Discussion. Creative Arts course, and US Society course.

DHD 103. Radical Inclusion I: Foundations in Intellectual and Developmental Disability. 3 hours.

Introduces critical foundational topics specific to I/DD scholarship, practice, and perspectives, including inclusive technology, academic access, universal design, independent living, and financial equity.

DHD 104. Radical Inclusion II: Contemporary Issues in Intellectual and Developmental Disability. 3 hours.

Introduces critical contemporary topics specific to I/DD scholarship, practice, and perspectives, including critical thinking, creativity, self-advocacy and communication, leadership, problem solving, and teamwork. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): DHD 103; or consent of the instructor.

DHD 201. Disability, Rights, and Culture. 3 hours.

Provides an overview of disability rights and disability culture. Focuses on moral, legal, cultural, and economic aspects of the lives of people with disabilities in history and at present. Individual and Society course.

DHD 202. Disability, Health, and Society. 3 hours.

The notion of disability and health through the use of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) focusing on influence of family, culture, and policies. Individual and Society course.

DHD 203. Disability in World Cultures. 3 hours.

Examines the ways in which different social, cultural, political and economic systems shape experiences of disability by looking at disability in different contexts throughout the world. Course Information: Recommended background: DHD 101. World Cultures course.

DHD 204. Disability in the Humanities. 3 hours.

Provides students with a survey of humanities approaches to the study of disability. The course explores disability in literature, art, performance, mass media, and historical archives. Creative Arts course.

DHD 205. Disability, Race, Class and Gender. 3 hours.

Invites students to engage in a critical dialogue around disability, race, class and gender through an intersectional and interdisciplinary frame of analysis. Course Information: Same as GWS 205. Individual and Society course.

DHD 206. Disability, Inclusive Cities, and Environmental Accessibility. 3 hours.

Introduces disability within a geographic framework, considering socio-spatial patterns that reflect and shape disability in modern cities. Explores applied urban planning practices and policies related to disability. Natural World - No Lab course, and US Society course.

DHD 301. Disability, Research, and Interdisciplinary Methods. 3 hours.

Introduces students to disability studies methodological approaches, focusing on the major traditions of inquiry used in the study of disability and the basics of conducting research related to disability and disabled people. Course Information: Recommended background: DHD 101 and an additional 6 credit hours of DHD coursework .

DHD 302. Disability, Policy, and Law. 3 hours.

Explores the major laws and policies relevant to people with disabilities. Provides an overview of the historical, political, legal, socio-cultural and economic forces that shape policy and legislation. Course Information: Recommended Background: DHD 101 and an additional 6 credit hours of DHD coursework.

DHD 303. Disability Activism: From the Local to the Global. 3 hours.

Traces the emergence of disability activism across historical periods and cultural locations, offering an in-depth look at issues raised, strategies used for social change, coalitions built, and global networks established.

DHD 304. Disability Innovation Lab. 3 hours.

Students will work together in teams to identify a critical social problem and/or unmet need in the disability community and develop an innovative solution. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): DHD 101 and DHD 103 and DHD 104.

DHD 390. Co-Op Internship. 3 hours.

An opportunity for students to develop and explore career interests related to their area of focus, which couples academic learning with professional experience in an off-campus setting. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 16 hours. Field work required.

DHD 400. Disability and Human Development Capstone. 1 hour.

Students work with advocacy, research and/or policy organizations to apply the knowledge they gained through disability and human development coursework in a practical setting that addresses issues related to people with disabilities. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. Field work required. Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): Open only to seniors; and consent of the instructor. Juniors must have the consent of instructors in order to be allowed to register. A minimum of 18 credits of DHD completed coursework is required. Recommended background: Seniors in their final year of the Bachelor of Science program in Disability and Human Development.

DHD 401. Disability, Human Development and Community Participation. 3 hours.

Surveys foundational concepts and issues in disability studies and human development. Students will develop a framework for understanding disability from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Course Information: Taught online. Prerequisite(s): Students enrolled in the BS in Disability and Human Development: DHD 101 and at least 6 additional hours of disability and human development coursework must be completed or consent of the instructor; Graduate students: no prerequisites.

DHD 402. Historical Issues in Disability and Disease. 3 hours.

Explores the central place of disability and disease in modern history. Sample topics Include: histories of deafness, eugenics, mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and constructions of disease. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above; or consent of the instructor. Recommended background: DHD 101 and an additional six credit hours of DHD coursework.

DHD 403. Disability in Latino Communities. 3 hours.

Designed to examine the distinct needs of Latino families and communities in the US and in Latin American countries, and their experiences with disabilities.

DHD 404. Disability, Sexuality, and Health. 3 or 4 hours.

Explores how political, social, and cultural systems as well as historical contexts shape understandings and experiences of disability, sexuality, and health. Course Information: Same as GWS 404. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above; or consent of the instructor.

DHD 405. Analysis of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 3 or 4 hours.

Examination of the history and implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Analyzes and evalutes the effectiveness of the legislation in promoting and protecting the civil rights of people with disabilities. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Previously listed as DHD 563. Prerequisite(s): DHD 101 or DHD 201; or graduate standing; or consent of the instructor.

DHD 406. Disability and Work. 3 or 4 hours.

Explores the complex relationship between disability and work within the U.S. Student will learn about debates and interventions surrounding the role, ability, and capability of people with disabilities to work. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above; or consent of the instructor. Recommended background: DHD 101 and an additional 6 credit hours of coursework in Disability and Human Development.

DHD 407. Cultural Politics of Disability and Health. 3 or 4 hours.

Examines the construction and circulation of knowledge about bodies, health, medicine and impairment from a disability studies perspective. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.

DHD 408. Disability Through the Lifecourse. 3 hours.

Provides an overview of varying approaches to the study of disability through the life course from early childhood to adulthood and aging. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above; or consent of the instructor.

DHD 409. Disability Legal Studies. 2 hours.

An interdisciplinary approach to key debates, theories, research, and practices related to disability and law within the critical framework of Disability Legal Studies. Course Information: Taught online.

DHD 411. Disability Policy, Technology, and Practice. 3 hours.

Introduction to a broad range of disability policies and technologies, focusing on application of policy and technology in practice across a range of contexts.

DHD 412. Disability Representation, Culture, and Practice. 3 hours.

Introduction to disability culture best practices for creating accessible and inclusive representations across a range of contexts from social media to non-profit messaging and marketing.

DHD 420. Mental Health, Asian Americans, and Community Engagement. 3 or 4 hours.

In partnership with Chicago’s Asian American communities and using community engagement methodologies, this course will offer an interdisciplinary, team-approach to explore taboo-related mental health issues. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

DHD 440. Introduction to Assistive Technology: Principles and Practice. 3 hours.

Principles and exemplary practice of assistive technology used by individuals with disabilities, including augmentative communication, seating, mobility, computer access, environmental control, home modifications, and worksite modifications. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of the instructor. Recommended background: Undergraduate enrolled in health sciences, education, or engineering and working professionals seeking to develop assistive technology as an area of concentration.

DHD 441. Adaptive Equipment Design and Fabrication. 3 hours.

Examination of the interaction between design and disability, through comparison of appropriate design theories, materials, and work on consumer-based issues. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing; or DHD 440 and consent of the instructor. Recommended background: Undergraduates enrolled in health sciences, education, or engineering, or working professionals seeking to develop assistive technology as an area of concentration.

DHD 450. Topics in Disability Studies. 3 or 4 hours.

This course will focus on topics structured around particular aspects of Disability Studies and its practical, cultural, and theoretical implications. Course Information: Same as ENGL 450. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated up to 1 time(s). Previously listed as DHD 445. Recommended background: Any of ENGL 207-209, 245, 344, 345, 347, or 350. Junior standing or above.

DHD 494. Special Topics in Disability and Human Development. 1-4 hours.

Systematic study of selected topics in disability and human development. Course Information: May be repeated. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of the instructor.