Black Studies (Interdepartmental Graduate Concentration)

The Department of Black Studies offers work leading to the graduate Interdepartmental Concentration in Black Studies. Students in the following graduate programs may be eligible to complete the Interdepartmental Concentration in Black Studies:

Graduate Program Level
Anthropology MA, PhD
Communication MA, PhD
Criminology, Law, and Justice MA, PhD
Disability Access and Inclusion MS
Disability Studies PhD
Early Childhood Education MEd
Education: Critical Pedagogies and Urban Teacher Education PhD
Education: Mathematics and Science Education PhD
Educational Psychology PhD
English MA, PhD
French and Francophone Studies MA
Germanic Studies MA, PhD
History MA, PhD
Instructional Leadership MEdᵃ
Language, Literacies, and Learning MEd
Latin American and Latino Studies MA
Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment MEd
Museum and Exhibition Studies MA
Philosophy MA, PhD
Phyical Therapy DPT
Policy Studies in Urban Education PhDᵇ
Political Science MA, PhD
Psychology MA, PhD
Rehabilitation Sciences and Healthspan Promotion MS
Science Education MEd
Social Work MSW, PhD
Sociology MA, PhD
Special Education MEd, PhD
Urban Education Leadership EdD
Urban Higher Education MEd
Urban Planning and Policy MUPP, PhD
Youth Development MEd

Available to all concentrations.


Available to concentrations in Educational Leadership and Policy and in Social Foundations of Education.

Concentration Requirements

Students earning graduate degrees in the participating programs may complement their courses by enrolling in a concentration in Black Studies after consulting with the graduate advisor in their home department. Students pursuing this concentration must apply to the director of graduate studies in the Department of Black Studies (BLST) and will need to obtain approval from an BLST graduate faculty member who will serve as the student’s concentration advisor.

Students should enroll in a total of 17 hours of graduate course work for the concentration.

Required Courses
Interdisciplinary Seminar in Black Studies
Graduate Colloquium in Black Studies
12 additional hours of BLST courses at the 400 level or above, or approved cross-listed courses at the graduate level or the equivalent. No more than 8 hours can be taken in the student's home department (these may include thesis hours if approved by BLST in advance).