BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Degree Requirements

Summary of Requirements
Pre-Pharmaceutical Sciences Requirements58-60
Major Requirements (Core and Selective)50-52
Electives to Reach Minimum Hours8-12
Total Hours120

Pre-Pharmaceutical Sciences Requirements

Required Courses
ENGL 160Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts3
Select one of the following writing courses:3
Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research
Engaged Humanities: Understanding the Individual and Society
Select one of the following general chemistry sequences:10
Matter and Energy
and Foundations of Chemical Inquiry I b
Chemical Dynamics
and Foundations of Chemical Inquiry II b
Honors and Majors General and Analytical Chemistry I
and Honors and Majors General and Analytical Chemistry II
Select one of the following:3
Fundamentals of Human Communication a
Introduction to Interpersonal Communication a
BIOS 110Biology of Cells and Organisms c4
BIOS 120Biology of Populations and Communities c4
CHEM 232Structure and Function3
CHEM 233Synthesis Techniques Laboratory2
CHEM 234Chemical Synthesis3
Select one of the following:3-4
Physics in Modern Medicine c
Introductory Physics for Life Sciences I c
General Physics I (Mechanics) c
Select one of the following:4-5
Calculus for Business c
Calculus for the Life Sciences c
Calculus I c
Select one of the following:4
Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to Statistics for the Life Sciences
PHAR 200 and PHAR 201 should be completed by UIC students before admission to the program.
Four General Education courses d12
Total Hours58-60

This course is approved for the Understanding the Individual and Society General Education category.


Each of the following pairs will be considered one course in meeting the Analyzing the Natural World General Education category: CHEM 122/CHEM 123, CHEM 124/CHEM 125.


This course is approved for the Analyzing the Natural World General Education category.


All students need to complete UIC General Education requirements (i.e., students must earn a minimum of 24 hours of General Education credit with at least one course in each of six categories: Analyzing the Natural World, Understanding the Individual and Society, Understanding the Creative Arts, Understanding the Past, Understanding US Society, and Exploring World Cultures). The General Education section of the catalog lists courses that fulfill each category. UIC students may need to complete some General Education courses after admission to program.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Major Requirements

Required Core Courses
BIOS 350General Microbiology3
BIOS 351Microbiology Laboratory2
Select one of the following:3
Introductory Biochemistry
Biochemistry I
Select one of the following anatomy and physiology sequences:8-10
Anatomy and Physiology Lecture I
and Anatomy and Physiology Lecture II
and Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I
and Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Select one of the following (3 hours total): a3
Undergraduate Research Experience in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Undergraduate Research Experience in Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes and Policy
Undergraduate Research Experience in Pharmacy Practice
PHAR 200Introduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences b3
PHAR 201Pharmaceutical Care in the US b3
PHAR 410Integrated Physiology3
PHAR 422Fundamentals of Drug Action4
PHAR 423Fundamentals of Drug Action II4
PHAR 431Pharmaceutics I - Pharmaceutics Principles, Drug Delivery Systems, and Calculations3
PHAR 432Pharmaceutics II – Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Calculations2
PHAR 435Pharmacokinetics3
PHAR 438Introduction to Drug Information1
PHAR 461Pharmacy and the U.S. Healthcare System2
Select one of the following (3 hours minimum):3
Natural Products
Advanced Microbiology
Biotechnology and Drug Discovery
Total Hours50-52

Students must earn 3 hours in a single course, but may earn the credit over multiple semesters.


Non-UIC students will complete PHAR 200 and PHAR 201 after admission to the BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences. UIC students who plan to apply to the BS should complete PHAR 200 and PHAR 201 before admission to the program.


Select elective courses to reach minimum total hours.8-12
Total Hours8-12

Sample Plan of Study

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts a 3
One of the following: 5
Matter and Energy
and Foundations of Chemical Inquiry I a
Honors and Majors General and Analytical Chemistry I  
COMM 100 Fundamentals of Human Communication a 3
Exploring World Cultures General Education course a 3
Spring Semester
ENGL 161
Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research a
or Engaged Humanities: Understanding the Individual and Society
One of the following: 5
Chemical Dynamics
and Foundations of Chemical Inquiry II a
Honors and Majors General and Analytical Chemistry II  
BIOS 110 Biology of Cells and Organisms a 4
Understanding the Creative Arts General Education course a 3
Second Year
Fall Semester
PHAR 200 Introduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences b 3
CHEM 232 Structure and Function 3
BIOS 120 Biology of Populations and Communities a 4
MATH 170 Calculus for the Life Sciences a 4
Spring Semester
CHEM 233
CHEM 234
Synthesis Techniques Laboratory
and Chemical Synthesis
STAT 130 Introduction to Statistics for the Life Sciences 4
PHAR 201 Pharmaceutical Care in the US b 3
PHYS 131 Introductory Physics for Life Sciences I a 4
Third Year
Fall Semester
BIOS 350
BIOS 351
General Microbiology
and Microbiology Laboratory
BIOS 352 Introductory Biochemistry 3
KN 253 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4
PSCI 300
Undergraduate Research Experience in Pharmaceutical Sciences
or Undergraduate Research Experience in Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes and Policy
or Undergraduate Research Experience in Pharmacy Practice
Understanding the Past General Education course 3
Spring Semester
KN 254 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 4
BIOS 220
or Natural Products
or Advanced Microbiology
or Biotechnology and Drug Discovery
PSCI 300
Undergraduate Research Experience in Pharmaceutical Sciences
or Undergraduate Research Experience in Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes and Policy
or Undergraduate Research Experience in Pharmacy Practice
Understanding U.S. Society General Education course a 3
Elective 4
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
PHAR 410 Integrated Physiology 3
PHAR 422 Fundamentals of Drug Action 4
PHAR 431 Pharmaceutics I - Pharmaceutics Principles, Drug Delivery Systems, and Calculations 3
PHAR 435 Pharmacokinetics 3
Elective 3
Spring Semester
PHAR 423 Fundamentals of Drug Action II 4
PHAR 432 Pharmaceutics II – Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Calculations 2
PHAR 438 Introduction to Drug Information 1
PHAR 461 Pharmacy and the U.S. Healthcare System 2
Elective 4
 Total Hours120

Fulfills General Education Requirements.


Transfer students may take PHAR 200 and PHAR 201 during their third year, if necessary.

BSPS/PharmD Pathway

BSPS students may apply to the PharmD Program during their third undergraduate year. In the BSPS/PharmD Pathway, students can complete the BSPS and PharmD Program in seven years, since there are 22 hours of coursework that are shared between the two degrees. Students in the BSPS/PharmD Pathway receive their BSPS degree upon completion of 120 hours at the end of their first year of the PharmD Program.

Fourth Year Sample Plan of Study for the BSPS/PharmD Pathway

Fourth Year
PHAR 410Integrated Physiology3
PHAR 411Introduction Pharmacy Practice4
PHAR 422Fundamentals of Drug Action4
PHAR 431Pharmaceutics I - Pharmaceutics Principles, Drug Delivery Systems, and Calculations3
PHAR 435Pharmacokinetics3
PHAR 465Pharmacy Learning, Advising, Mentoring, and Engagement for Students (PhLAMES) 10
Total Hours17-18
Fourth Year
PHAR 412Introductory Pharmacy Practice (IPPE): Community2
or PHAR 413 Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE): Hospital
PHAR 423Fundamentals of Drug Action II4
PHAR 432Pharmaceutics II – Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Calculations2
PHAR 438Introduction to Drug Information1
PHAR 461Pharmacy and the U.S. Healthcare System2
PHAR 466Pharmacy Learning, Advising, Mentoring, and Engagement for Students (PhLAMES) 20
PHAR 501Pathophysiology, Drug Action, and Therapeutics (PDAT) 1: Self Care3
PHAR 502Pathophysiology, Drug Action, and Therapeutics (PDAT) 2: GI/Endocrine3
Total Hours17-18