
Mailing Address: 
Department of Psychology (MC 285)
1007 West Harrison Street
Chicago, IL 60607-7137

Contact Information: 
Campus Location: 1066 BSB 
(312) 996-3036

Head of the Department: Dr. Jamie Donahey Roitman
Director of Graduate Studies: Dr. Amanda Roy

Program Codes: 
20FS0338MA (MA)
20FS0338PHD (PhD)

The Department of Psychology offers work leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Psychology, with the Master of Arts degree earned as part of this program. The department’s goal is to produce scholars and researchers who will contribute to the growth of psychological knowledge whether they work in academic or applied settings. Students must major in one of four areas (Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Clinical, Community and Applied Developmental Psychology, and Social and Personality). All students must satisfy the requirements of their major area. In addition, students may minor in another area (which could include quantitative statistics, qualitative and mixed methods, diversity science) or develop a minor that crosses multiple disciplines and fulfills educational goals.

Interdepartmental concentrations in Neuroscience, Gender and Women’s Studies, Violence Studies, Latin American and Latino Studies, and Black Studies are available to graduate students in the department. The framework of a student’s program is determined by the selected major in combination with a minor, if pursued. Within that framework and in consultation with their advisors, students construct programs individually tailored to their research interests and career goals. The department also offers coursework in the instruction of psychology and practicum opportunities to develop college-level teaching skills.