BS in Management

Degree Requirements

To earn a Bachelor of Science in Management from UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree requirements. The Department of Managerial Studies degree requirements are outlined below. Students should consult the College of Business Administration section for additional degree requirements and college academic policies. Students majoring in Human Resource Management are not eligible for a BS in Management.

Summary of Requirements
General and Basic Course Requirements48
Business Core42
Major Requirements21
Business Electives9
Total Hours120

General and Basic Course Requirements

See General and Basic Course Requirements in the College of Business Administration section for the list of courses needed to meet this requirement. 

Business Core

See Business Course Requirements in the College of Business Administration section for the list of courses needed to meet this requirement.

Major Requirements

Required Courses
MGMT 445Organizational Theory3
MGMT 452Organizational Behavior3
MGMT 453Human Resource Management3
Twelve additional hours selected from among the non-required 300- or 400-level courses in Management, except MGMT 499.12
Total Hours21

Students must complete 9 hours of electives in their management major. Students may choose to focus their 9 elective hours within a given concentration. The same elective cannot be counted toward more than one concentration. Students may also choose to complete the degree without a concentration. In this case, students may fulfill their 9-hour elective requirement by choosing any combination of management electives from within the Department of Managerial Studies, including a cross-listed course with sociology:

Cross-listed Course
MGMT 447Organizations3

The Department of Managerial Studies offers the following three concentrations in management:

Concentration in Leadership and Managerial Competencies

The following courses are required:9
Leadership Theories and Personal Leadership Skills Development
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Managerial Effectiveness Through Diversity

Concentration in Management Consulting

The following courses are required:6
Structured Problem Solving for Consulting Projects
Data Analytics for Management
Select one of the following:3
Managerial Consulting
Cracking the Case: Case Analysis for Consulting Projects

 Concentration in Managerial Logistics

The following courses are required:6
Transportation Systems Management
Managerial Logistics
Select one of the following: 3
Marketing and Sales Channels
Introduction to Supply Chain Management

Business Electives

9 hours at the 200, 300, or 400 level chosen from courses in the College of Business Administration (excluding BA 220 and BA 320) or courses offered in the Economics department with a maximum of 6 hours at the 200 level. Students may use their business electives to complete a second concentration within their major, if applicable, or a minor with the college. Students should work with their advisor in choosing appropriate business electives.9
Total Hours9

Sample Business Major Curriculum

See Sample Business Major Curriculum in the College of Business Administration section. See your academic advisor for an individualized major map in your field of study.