Joint BS in Engineering Physics/MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Degree Requirements

The joint Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics (BSEP) and Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSECE) is designed for undergraduates with outstanding academic performance who desire to pursue graduate studies in electrical and computer engineering, or who wish to prepare themselves for advanced placement in the workplace. Students will earn both a BSEP degree and an MSECE degree upon completion of the program, with 8 hours of coursework shared between the two degrees.

The requirements for completion of the joint degree program are identical to the completion of these two separate degrees; however, 8 shared hours counting towards both degrees. Completion of 120 semester hours at the undergraduate level; plus 8 hours counting toward both degrees; plus 28 hours at the graduate level will result in joint BSEP/MSECE degrees.

Students who have completed at least 30 hours of ECE core courses and have an overall institutional GPA of 3.25 or higher can apply for the joint program. Undergraduate students admitted into the joint program can register for two technical-elective ECE courses and receive graduate credit for them. In taking 400-level courses as graduate-level courses, students may take advantage of differential credit to earn 4 hours (in each course respectively), instead of the typical 3 hours (or they may earn 5 hours if the course is already a 4-hour course with a laboratory component). These two courses, which may apply up to 8 hours to both degrees, will require pre-approval by an academic advisor and will be recorded in the student’s academic record by the ECE Student Affairs Office; in addition, the ECE Student Affairs Office will submit the necessary paperwork to allow the undergraduate student to register for the graduate section of these courses that will be used at the undergraduate level to fulfill 8 hours of technical elective requirements, and at the graduate level to fulfill required coursework for the MS course-only option.

Sample Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
Freshman Year
First SemesterHours
MATH 180 Calculus I 4
CHEM 122 Matter and Energy 3
CHEM 123 Foundations of Chemical Inquiry I 2
ECE 115 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering 4
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts 3
ENGR 100 Engineering Success Seminar a 1
Second Semester
MATH 181 Calculus II 4
PHYS 141 General Physics I (Mechanics) 4
CS 107 Introduction to Computing and Programming 4
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research 3
General Education Core course 3
Sophomore Year
First Semester
MATH 210 Calculus III 3
PHYS 142 General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) 4
CME 260 Properties of Materials 3
ME 211 Fluid Mechanics I 4
General Education Core course 3
Second Semester
MATH 220 Introduction to Differential Equations 3
PHYS 240 Fundamentals of Modern Quantum Theory 3
PHYS 245 Introduction to Vibrations, Waves, and Thermal Physics 4
Math Elective 3
General Education Core course 3
Junior Year
First Semester
PHYS 215 Computational and Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences 4
PHYS 481 Modern Experimental Physics I 4
PHYS 499 Survey of Physics Problems 1
ECE 225 Circuit Analysis 4
ECE 346 Solid State Device Theory 4
Second Semester
PHYS 441 Theoretical Mechanics 4
ECE 310 Discrete and Continuous Signals and Systems 3
ECE 322 Introduction to Electromagnetics and Applications 4
ECE 440 Nanoelectronics 3
General Education Core course 3
Senior Year
First Semester
PHYS 411 Quantum Mechanics I 4
ECE 396 Senior Design I 2
ECE 421 Introduction to Antennas and Wireless Propagation 3
Technical Elective 3
General Education Core course 3
Second Semester
BME 450 Molecular Biophysics of the Cell 4
ECE 397 Senior Design II 2
ECE 499 Professional Development Seminar 0
Technical Elective 3
Technical Elective 3
Fifth Year
First Semester
MS Coursework 14
Second Semester
MS Coursework 14
 Total Hours156