BS in Mechanical Engineering

Degree Requirements

To earn a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree from UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree requirements. The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering degree requirements are outlined below. Students should consult the College of Engineering section for additional degree requirements and college academic policies.

Summary of Requirements
Nonengineering and General Education Requirements51
Required in the College of Engineering 62
Technical Electives12
Electives outside the Major Rubric3
Total Hours128

Nonengineering and General Education Requirements

Required Courses
ENGL 160Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts3
ENGL 161Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research3
Exploring World Cultures course a3
Understanding the Creative Arts course a3
Understanding the Past course a3
Understanding the Individual and Society course a3
Understanding U.S. Society course a3
MATH 180Calculus I b4
MATH 181Calculus II b4
MATH 210Calculus III b3
MATH 220Introduction to Differential Equations3
CHEM 122Matter and Energy c3
CHEM 123Foundations of Chemical Inquiry I b,c2
PHYS 141General Physics I (Mechanics)4
PHYS 142General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) b4
MATH 310Applied Linear Algebra3
Total Hours51

Students should consult the General Education section of the catalog for a list of approved courses in this category.


This course is approved for the Analyzing the Natural World General Education category.


General Education credit is given for successful completion of both CHEM 122 and CHEM 123.

Required in the College of Engineering

Required Courses
ENGR 100Engineering Success Seminar for Freshmen a1
CME 201Statics3
CME 203Strength of Materials3
CS 109Programming for Engineers with MatLab3
ECE 210Electrical Circuit Analysis3
IE 201Financial Engineering3
ME 205Introduction to Thermodynamics3
ME 210Engineering Dynamics3
ME 211Fluid Mechanics I4
ME 250Introduction to Engineering Design and Graphics3
ME 312Dynamic Systems and Control3
ME 320Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery3
ME 321Heat Transfer4
ME 328Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering3
ME 341Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering3
IE 342Probability and Statistics for Engineers3
ME 347Engineering Design and Graphics with Computer-Aided Design and Simulation3
ME 370Mechanical Engineering Design3
ME 380Manufacturing Process Principles3
ME 396Senior Design I b3
ME 397Senior Design Il b3
ME 499Professional Development Seminar0
Total Hours62

ENGR 100 is a one-semester-hour course, but the hour does not count toward the total hours required for graduation.


The ME 444and ME 445 year-long course sequence satisfies the capstone requirement for ME 396 and ME 397.

Technical Electives

Select 12 hours from the following:12
Mechanical Vibrations
Intermediate Thermodynamics
Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining for Engineering Applications
Undergraduate Research
Electromechanical Energy Conversion
Finite Element Analysis I
Or any 400-level ME course not required above
Total Hours12

Electives Outside the Major Rubric

Electives outside the ME Rubric3
Total Hours3

Sample Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
Freshman Year
First SemesterHours
ENGR 100 Engineering Success Seminar for Freshmen a 1
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts 3
MATH 180 Calculus I 4
CHEM 122 Matter and Energy 3
CHEM 123 Foundations of Chemical Inquiry I 2
ME 250 Introduction to Engineering Design and Graphics 3
General Education Core course 3
Second Semester
MATH 181 Calculus II 4
PHYS 141 General Physics I (Mechanics) 4
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research 3
CS 109 Programming for Engineers with MatLab 3
General Education Core Course 3
Sophomore Year
First Semester
MATH 210 Calculus III 3
PHYS 142 General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) 4
IE 201 Financial Engineering 3
CME 201 Statics 3
ECE 210 Electrical Circuit Analysis 3
Second Semester
MATH 220 Introduction to Differential Equations 3
MATH 310 Applied Linear Algebra 3
CME 203 Strength of Materials 3
ME 205 Introduction to Thermodynamics 3
ME 210 Engineering Dynamics 3
Junior Year
First Semester
ME 211 Fluid Mechanics I 4
ME 320 Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery 3
ME 347 Engineering Design and Graphics with Computer-Aided Design and Simulation 3
ME 380 Manufacturing Process Principles 3
General Education Core course 3
Second Semester
ME 321 Heat Transfer 4
ME 328 Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering 3
ME 370 Mechanical Engineering Design 3
Technical Elective 3
General Education Core course 3
Senior Year
First Semester
ME 312 Dynamic Systems and Control 3
ME 396 Senior Design I b 3
IE 342 Probability and Statistics for Engineers 3
Elective Outside the Major Rubric 3
Technical Elective 3
Second Semester
ME 341 Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering 3
ME 397 Senior Design Il b 3
ME 499 Professional Development Seminar c 0
General Education Core course 3
Technical Elective 3
Technical Elective 3
 Total Hours128

ENGR 100 is one-semester-hour course, but the hour does not count toward the total hours required for graduation.


ME 396 is only offered fall semester. ME 397 is only offered spring semester.


ME 499 must be taken final semester.