BS in Environmental Engineering

 Degree Requirements

The BS degree in Environmental Engineering at UIC requires the students to complete university, college, and program degree requirements. Students must complete all courses required to fulfill College of Engineering and General Education requirements, and required courses in the major. In order to graduate with a BS degree in Environmental Engineering, students must have at least a 2.00/4.00 grade point average in all work taken at UIC, in all work taken for the major, and in all work accepted by the university (transfer courses and courses taken at UIC).

Summary of Requirements
Nonengineering and General Education Requirements60
Required in the College of Engineering53
Technical Electives15
Total Hours128

Nonengineering and General Education Requirements

ENGL 160Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts3
ENGL 161Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research3
Exploring World Cultures course a3
Understanding the Creative Arts course a3
Understanding the Past course a3
Understanding the Individual and Society course a3
Understanding U.S. Society course a3
MATH 180Calculus I4
MATH 181Calculus II4
MATH 210Calculus III3
MATH 220Introduction to Differential Equations3
MATH 310Applied Linear Algebra3
or STAT 381 Applied Statistical Methods I
PHYS 141General Physics I (Mechanics) b4
PHYS 142General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) b4
CHEM 122Matter and Energy b3
CHEM 123Foundations of Chemical Inquiry I b2
CHEM 124Chemical Dynamics b3
CHEM 125Foundations of Chemical Inquiry II b2
EAES 101Global Environmental Change b4
or EAES 111 Earth, Energy, and the Environment
Total Hours60

Students should consult the General Education section of the catalog for a list of approved courses in this category.


This course is approved for the Analyzing the Natural World General Education category.

Required in the College of Engineering 

ENGR 100Engineering Success Seminar for Freshmen a1
CME 119Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science3
CME 197Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering0
CME 207Engineering Probability and Economics3
CME 211Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics3
CME 260Properties of Materials3
CME 297Civil and Environmental Engineering Drawing and Design3
CME 311Water Resources Engineering3
CME 322Environmental Engineering3
CME 396Civil Engineering Systems Design2
CME 403Hydraulic Design3
CME 411Chemistry for Environmental Professionals3
CME 421Water Treatment Design3
CME 422Wastewater Treatment Design3
CME 427Engineering Hydrology3
CME 497Capstone Design2
CS 109Programming for Engineers with MatLab3
CHE 210Material and Energy Balances b4
ME 205Introduction to Thermodynamics3
ME 450Air Pollution Engineering3
Total Hours53

ENGR is a one-hour course, but the hour does not count toward the total hours required for graduation.


For the prerequisites for CHE 210, ME 205 is accepted as a substitute for CHE 201 and ​CHE 205 is waived for Environmental Engineering majors.

Technical Electives 

Select five technical elective courses from the offered 400-level CME Technical Electives or from 400-level courses offered by other programs in the College of Engineering or other STEM programs at UIC with the approval of the academic faculty advisor. a15
Total Hours15

Students (and their faculty advisors) must separately petition to substitute CME 493, CME 496, or CME 494 for a technical elective course, and also receive approval from the director of undergraduate studies or the department head prior to the student's enrollment in those courses.

 Sample Course Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
Freshman Year
First SemesterHours
ENGR 100 Engineering Success Seminar for Freshmen 1
CHEM 122
CHEM 123
Matter and Energy
and Foundations of Chemical Inquiry I a
CME 119 Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science 3
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts 3
MATH 180 Calculus I 4
Second Semester
CME 197 Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering 0
CHEM 124 Chemical Dynamics 3
CS 109 Programming for Engineers with MatLab 3
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research 3
MATH 181 Calculus II 4
PHYS 141 General Physics I (Mechanics) 4
Sophomore Year
First Semester
CME 211 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics 3
CME 297 Civil and Environmental Engineering Drawing and Design 3
CHEM 125 Foundations of Chemical Inquiry II 2
MATH 210 Calculus III 3
ME 205 Introduction to Thermodynamics 3
PHYS 142 General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) 4
Second Semester
CHE 210 Material and Energy Balances 4
CME 207 Engineering Probability and Economics 3
CME 260 Properties of Materials 3
CME 322 Environmental Engineering 3
MATH 220 Introduction to Differential Equations 3
Junior Year
First Semester
CME 311 Water Resources Engineering 3
CME 411 Chemistry for Environmental Professionals 3
CME 421 Water Treatment Design 3
ME 450 Air Pollution Engineering 3
STAT 381
Applied Statistical Methods I
or Applied Linear Algebra
General Education Requirement course 3
Second Semester
CME 403 Hydraulic Design 3
CME 422 Wastewater Treatment Design 3
EAES 101
Global Environmental Change
or Earth, Energy, and the Environment
Technical Elective I 3
General Education Requirement course 3
Senior Year
First Semester
CME 396 Civil Engineering Systems Design 2
CME 427 Engineering Hydrology 3
Technical Elective II 3
Technical Elective III 3
General Education Requirement course 3
Second Semester
CME 497 Capstone Design 2
Technical Elective IV 3
Technical Elective V 3
General Education Requirement course 3
General Education Requirement course 3
 Total Hours128