BS in Computer Science and Design

In order to be considered for admission to the BS in Computer Science and Design, students must have:

  • at least a C in all of the following courses, with an average math/science GPA of a 2.50/4.00;
    ENGR 100Engineering Success Seminar for Freshmen1
    MATH 180Calculus I4
    MATH 181Calculus II4
    CS 111Program Design I3
    or CS 112 Program Design I in the Context of Biological Problems
    or CS 113 Program Design I in the Context of Law and Public Policy
    CS 141Program Design II3
    CS 151Mathematical Foundations of Computing3
  • at least a B in the following courses, with an average design GPA of a 3.00/4.00;​
    DES 150Digital Media Design I4
    DES 160Design Photography4
    or DES 170 Color Theory
  • at least B in the following courses:
    ENGL 160Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts3
    ENGL 161Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research3

All applicants must be in good standing, not on aca­demic notice or undetermined status. Admission to this program is selective and competitive and admissions standards are higher than the minimum grade point average requirement. School of Design and Department of Computer Science summer offerings of prerequisite courses may allow transfer students to obtain the skills necessary to enter the program in the fall semester.

Degree Requirements

To earn a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Design from UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree requirements. Students should consult the College of Engineering section for additional degree requirements and college academic policies.

Summary of Requirements
General Education and Non-Core Requirements46
Computer Science Core Requirements34-36
Design Core Requirements40
Total Hours120-122

General Educationa and Non-Core Requirements

Required Courses
ENGL 160Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts3
ENGL 161Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research3
AH 110World History of Art and the Built Environment I b4
DES 236History of Design II: 1925 to the Present c3
DES 355Design Seminar c3
Exploring World Cultures General Education course3
Understanding the Individual and Society General Education course3
Understanding the Past General Education course3
Understanding U.S. Society General Education course3
MATH 180Calculus I d4
MATH 181Calculus II d4
IE 342Probability and Statistics for Engineers3
Science Elective e4
MATH/Science Elective f3
Total Hours46

The UIC General Education Program requires that students complete ENGL 160, ENGL 161, and a minimum of 24 hours of credit with at least one course in each of the six categories of General Education: Analyzing the Natural World, Understanding the Individual and Society, Understanding the Past, Understanding the Creative Arts, Exploring World Cultures, and Understanding U.S. Society.


Understanding the Creative Arts course.


The Department of Computer Science requires that BS in Computer Science students complete 6 hours of Humanities/Social Sciences/Art electives. DES 236 and DES 355will be used to fulfill this requirement.


Analyzing the Natural World course.


Students have to follow the science electives recommended for the BS in Computer Science degree. See the Computer Science catalog page for current list of courses.


Students can choose between science electives and required mathematics courses recommended for the BS in Computer Science degree. See the Computer Science catalog page for current list of courses.

Computer Science Core Requirements

Required Courses
ENGR 100Engineering Success Seminar for Freshmen a1
Select one of the following:3
Program Design I
Program Design I in the Context of Biological Problems
Program Design I in the Context of Law and Public Policy
CS 141Program Design II3
CS 151Mathematical Foundations of Computing3
CS 211Programming Practicum3
CS 251Data Structures4
CS 401Computer Algorithms I3
CS/DES 427Creative Coding3
Select two of the following courses:6-8
Machine Organization
Languages and Automata
Programming Language Design and Implementation
Software Design
Systems Programming
Computer Design
Computer Science Technical Electives (6 hours from the list below)6
Artificial Intelligence I
Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Data Science
Natural Language Processing
User Interface Design and Programming
Visualization and Visual Analytics
Computer Graphics I
Video Game Design and Development
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
Object-Oriented Languages and Environments
Software Development for Mobile Platforms
Database Systems
Human Augmentics
Total Hours34-36

ENGR 100 is a one-semester-hour course, but the hour does not count toward the total required for graduation.

Design Core Requirements 

Required Courses
DES 150Digital Media Design I4
DES 160Design Photography4
or DES 170 Color Theory
DES 208Typography I: Form4
DES 209Typography II: Systems4
DES 255Integrative Design Studio I4
DES 256Integrative Design Studio II4
DES 357Integrative Design Studio III4
DES 458Integrative Studio Project4
Select one of the following Professional Practice tracks (2 courses):8
Professional Practice Project I
and Professional Practice Project II
Interdisciplinary Product Development I
and Interdisciplinary Product Development II
Information Aesthetics I
and Information Aesthetics II
Total Hours40

Sample Course Schedule 

Plan of Study Grid
First YearHours
Prerequisite design, computer science, and math coursework for the major including the equivalent of:  
DES 150 Digital Media Design I 4
DES 160
Design Photography
or Color Theory
CS 111
Program Design I
or Program Design I in the Context of Biological Problems
or Program Design I in the Context of Law and Public Policy
CS 141 Program Design II 3
CS 151 Mathematical Foundations of Computing 3
ENGR 100 Engineering Success Seminar for Freshmen a 1
Prerequisite academic coursework for the major including the equivalent of:  
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts 3
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research 3
MATH 180 Calculus I 4
MATH 181 Calculus II 4
Second Year
Fall Semester
CS 211 Programming Practicum 3
DES 208 Typography I: Form 4
DES 255 Integrative Design Studio I 4
Science Elective 4
Spring Semester
CS 251 Data Structures 4
DES 209 Typography II: Systems 4
DES 256 Integrative Design Studio II 4
Understanding the Individual and Society General Education course 3
Third Year
Fall Semester
IE 342 Probability and Statistics for Engineers 3
DES 357 Integrative Design Studio III 4
AH 110 World History of Art and the Built Environment I 4
DES 355 Design Seminar 3
Understanding U.S. Society General Education course 3
Spring Semester
CS Selective course (CS 261, CS 301, CS 341, CS 342, CS 361, or CS 362) 3-4
CS 427 Creative Coding 3
DES 236 History of Design II: 1925 to the Present 3
DES 458 Integrative Studio Project 4
Math/Science Elective 3
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
CS 401 Computer Algorithms I 3
CS Technical Elective 3
Professional Practice Track - Course 1 4
Professional Practice Project I
or Interdisciplinary Product Development I
or Information Aesthetics I
Exploring World Cultures General Education course 3
Spring Semester
CS Selective course (CS 261, CS 301, CS 341, CS 342, CS 361, or CS 362) 3-4
CS Technical Elective 3
Professional Practice Track - Course 2 4
Professional Practice Project II
or Interdisciplinary Product Development II
or Information Aesthetics II
Understanding the Past General Education course 3
 Total Hours120-122

ENGR 100 is a one-semester-hour course, but the hour does not count toward the total required for graduation.