Curriculum and Instruction (CI)


CI 400. Anthropology & Education. 3 or 4 hours.

This course uses an anthropological approach in the study of formal and informal educational processes to understand the relationship between education, culture and society as represented in ethnographic texts. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Recommended background: ED 100, and ED 135, and ED 205; and ANTH 100 or ANTH 101.

CI 401. Methods of Reading: Early Literacy in Urban Classrooms. 3 hours.

Exploration of literacy assessment and teaching (including decoding, early writing, spelling, oral language, and comprehension), with a focus on learning to read and write. Course Information: Previously listed as ED 257.

CI 402. Reading and Writing in the Content Areas: Intermediate Literacy in Urban Classrooms. 3 hours.

Exploration of advanced aspects of literacy instruction (e.g., comprehension, writing, literacy in the content areas), with a focus on reading and writing to learn. Course Information: Previously listed as ED 340. Prerequisite(s): CI 401 and junior standing or above and admission to the Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education program.

CI 403. Literacy in the Disciplines: Adolescent Literacy in Urban Classrooms. 3 hours.

Exploration of using literacy in disciplinary content areas, including building prior knowledge and specialized vocabulary. Course Information: Previously listed as ED 341. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above and admission to the B.A. in Urban Education, Concentration in Elementary Education Program. Successful completion of CI 402.

CI 404. Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the Urban Classroom. 3 hours.

Helps prospective teachers create a foundation from which they can develop an exemplary mathematics teaching practice. Course Information: Previously listed as ED 342. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above and admission to the Bachelor of Arts in Urban Education, and MATH 140 and MATH 141; or the equivalent courses.

CI 405. Teaching and Learning Science in the Urban Classroom. 3 hours.

Learning how to teach core scientific and engineering ideas, crosscutting concepts, and practices to advance student learning with a focus on community and societal relevance. Course Information: Previously listed as ED 343. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above; and consent of the instructor.

CI 406. Teaching and Learning Social Sciences in the Urban Classroom. 3 hours.

Models effective teaching of history and social sciences in urban classroom, in a way that is inclusive of diverse peoples, cultures, and histories. Students learn to teach core concepts, intellectual skills, and participatory dispositions. Course Information: Previously listed as ED 344. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above and admission to the Bachelor of Arts in Urban Education.

CI 410. Literature, Social Studies, and the Arts in the Elementary School. 4 hours.

Theory and practice in curriculum development, planning instruction, and assessing learning in elementary classrooms. Literature, social studies, and the arts content foci. Course Information: Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice.

CI 411. Creating Learning Environments in the Elementary School. 3 hours.

Examination of beliefs about teaching culture and learning in urban America in relation to the creation of learning environments with emphasis on application of state standards in classrooms and the development of a electronic teaching portfolio. Course Information: 30 hours of fieldwork required. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and CI 412. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion, one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice.

CI 412. Dynamics of Learning Environments. 3 hours.

Exploration of multiculturalism and bilingualism/biculturalism in schools and families. Continued development of electronic portfolio for meeting Illinois professional teaching and technology standards. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and Enrollment in M.Ed. in Elementary Education Program. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion, one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice.

CI 413. Foundations of Literacy Instruction, K-8. 4 hours.

For prospective teachers, introduction to teaching literacy K-8; examining cognitive, social, developmental perspectives; relationships between language and literacy; connections to school subjects; aligning instruction, assessment, standards. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Word processing on writing; search engines for examining literacy curriculum, professional organizations, email networks. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

CI 414. Middle and High School Literacy. 3 hours.

Focuses on the teaching of reading and writing strategies appropriate for disciplinary learning and expression. Course Information: Field work required. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above; and consent of the instructor.

CI 428. Curriculum and Teaching in Secondary Education. 3 hours.

Introduction to the study of curriculum and teaching. Specifically designed for graduate students wanting to become middle and high school teachers, students who are newly admitted to the secondary education program. Course Information: Credit is not given for CI 428 if the student has credit for ED 430. Field work required. Prerequisite(s): Open only to Master's degree students in the Secondary Education Program; and consent of the instructor.

CI 429. Secondary Science Education in Urban Settings. 4 hours.

Introduction to the study of curriculum and teaching for those interested in urban education and who want to become secondary science teachers at the high school level. Course Information: Previously listed as CI 529. Recommended Background: At least 18 credit hours of coursework in a science field.

CI 430. Teaching Middle Grades Social Sciences: Content and Methods. 3 hours.

Models effective teaching of history and the social sciences in the urban elementary classroom grades 5-8, in a way that is inclusive of the diverse peoples, cultures, and histories that make up our society. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above; or consent of the instructor. Restricted to students in the College of Education and Secondary History Education Program students in LAS.

CI 450. Societal Bases of Languages, Literacies and Learning. 4 hours.

Introduction to social and cultural processes by which languages and literacies are learned and develop in and out of school within the broader policy and ideological contexts. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

CI 451. Foundations of Writing. 3 or 4 hours.

Introduction to writing research, theory and practice, including writing development, processes, digital writing, pedagogy, assessment. Combines academic study of writing theory/research with guided inquiry into writing processes and pedagogy. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Previously listed as CI 544. Extensive computer use required. Prerequisite(s): CI 401 and CI 402. Recommended background: Admission to the M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership: Literacy, Language and Learning, or the B.A. in Urban Education program.

CI 452. Children’s and Young Adult Literature and Media. 3 or 4 hours.

Overview of trade books and media for children from preschool through adolescence. Emphasizes critically reading, selecting, evaluating materials appropriate for developmental stages, curricular connections, and students in our multicultural society. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Previously listed as CI 546.

CI 453. Digital Literacies and Learning. 4 hours.

Theoretical foundations of digital literacies and learning focusing on critical interpretation/production involving texts, tools, and technologies that are online, mobile, and/or networked. Includes methods for teaching digital literacies P-12.

CI 464. Bilingualism and Literacy in a Second Language. 4 hours.

Theoretical foundations of second language acquisition and the teaching of English as second language. Methods and materials for teaching reading and writing in bilingual/ESL settings. Course Information: Field work required. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice.

CI 470. Language, Culture, and Learning in Urban Classrooms. 3 hours.

An introduction to the study of multilingualism, language development, learning, and methodologies for teaching in linguistically and culturally diverse educational settings. Course Information: Previously listed as ED 346.

CI 472. Language Proficiency Assessment and ESL Instruction. 4 hours.

Study of and practicum in English language proficiency assessment; methods, materials, and resources for assessing oral language, reading, and writing in P-12 school settings. Course Information: Field work required. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice.

CI 475. Teaching and Learning of the Natural Sciences. 3 hours.

Prepares teacher candidates with the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed for teaching science in urban contexts by investigating big questions and concepts in natural sciences education. Course Information: Previously listed as CI 530. Field work required. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing; or consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice.

CI 481. Foundation and Current Issues in Educating English Language Learners. 4 hours.

Philosophical, theoretical, socio-cultural and educational examination of learning and achievement issues that culturally and linguistically diverse students face in American schools. Course Information: Field work required. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice.

CI 482. Assessment and Instruction: A Multilingual/Multicultural Perspective. 4 hours.

Methods and materials for teaching English language learners (ELLs) in bilingual/ESL classrooms. Emphasis upon curricular and methodological practices, assessment for academic placement, and instruction. Course Information: Field work required. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Practice.

CI 484. Curriculum and Instruction in the Middle School. 3 hours.

Philosophy, curriculum, and instructional methods for teaching middle grade students (grades five through eight). Content area reading is included. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): EPSY 255 or both ED 200 and ED 210; or graduate standing and either ED 402 or ED 403, and ED 421; and approval of the of the College of Education.

CI 494. Special Topics in Curriculum and Instruction. 1-4 hours.

Exploration of an area not covered in existing course offerings. Content varies. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.