Lithuanian (LITH)


LITH 101. Elementary Lithuanian I. 4 hours.

Basic grammar and vocabulary; developing effective speaking skills. Students will be introduced to the Lithuanian culture. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. For students who have had no formal work in Lithuanian. This class is taught in a blended format. Internet access is required. A high-speed connection is strongly recommended.

LITH 102. Elementary Lithuanian II. 4 hours.

Continuation of LITH 101. The objective of the course is to provide students with basic skills for understanding and speaking Lithuanian. Course Information: Four additional half hours each week in the language laboratory. The class is taught in a blended format. Internet access is required. A high-speed connection is strongly recommended. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in LITH 101 or appropriate score on the departmental placement test.

LITH 103. Intermediate Lithuanian I. 4 hours.

Further development of grammar and vocabulary; developing effective communicative skills. Students will be introduced to Lithuanian culture. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. This class is taught in a blended format. Internet access is required. A high-speed connection is strongly recommended. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in LITH 102; or appropriate score on the department placement test.

LITH 104. Intermediate Lithuanian II. 4 hours.

Builds upon the previous three terms work. It continues the development of students' reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills in Lithuanian. Course Information: This class is taught in a blended format. Internet access is required. A high-speed connection is strongly recommended. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in LITH 103 or appropriate score on the department placement test.

LITH 115. Lithuanian Culture. 3 hours.

A thematic study of Lithuanian culture from antiquity to the present in an historical and political context. Course Information: Knowledge of Lithuanian is not required. World Cultures course.

LITH 130. Lithuanian Prose Fiction in International Context. 3 hours.

Analysis of Lithuanian prose fiction with reference to its major influences from Europe, North and South America; the development of international style. Course Information: Taught in English. Creative Arts course, and World Cultures course.

LITH 221. Lithuanian Literature I. 3 hours.

Reading and analysis of the works of selected nineteenth- and twentieth-century authors. The evolution of Lithuanian literature up to 1940. Course Information: Taught in English.

LITH 222. Lithuanian Literature II. 3 hours.

Reading and analysis of the works of selected authors from 1940 to the present. Course Information: Taught in English. Prerequisite(s): LITH 221.

LITH 230. Lithuanian Literature Abroad. 3 hours.

Lithuanian writers in exile: themes, trends in development, comparison with writers in Lithuania; influences of the new environment, writing in English. Course Information: Taught in English.

LITH 399. Independent Study. 1-3 hours.

Investigation of special problems under the general direction of a staff member. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing, consent of the instructor and the head of the department. Class Schedule Information: This course counts toward the limited number of independent study hours accepted toward the degree and the major.

LITH 499. Independent Study. 1-4 hours.

Investigation of special problems under the general direction of a staff member. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Graduate students may register for more than one section per term; undergraduates may only register for one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Senior or graduate standing, consent of the instructor and the head of the department. Class Schedule Information: This course counts toward the limited number of independent study hours accepted toward the undergraduate degree and the major.