Naval Science (NS)


NS 101. Introduction to Naval Science. 2 hours.

Introduction to sea-power and the naval service. Includes an overview of officer and enlisted rank and rating structures, training, promotion and military courtesy. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion.

NS 200. Naval Ships Systems. 3 hours.

The types, structure and purpose of naval ships. Includes nuclear, gas turbine, and steam propulsion systems, auxiliary systems, interior communications and damage control. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion.

NS 201. Naval Weapons Systems. 3 hours.

Introduction to the theory and principles of naval weapons systems. Covers type of weapons, capabilities and limitations and theory of operation. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory and one Lecture-Discussion.

NS 202. Sea Power and Maritime Affairs. 3 hours.

Concept of seapower and its effect on history, naval strategies of past and present, the role of U.S. seapower from the Revolutionary War to the present. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion.

NS 294. Topics in Naval Science. 1-3 hours.

Study of topics in naval science. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Approval of the department.

NS 301. Navigation. 3 hours.

Ship navigation. Covers areas of piloting, celestial and electronic means of shipboard navigation. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion.

NS 302. Naval Operations. 3 hours.

Ship operations and movement. Covers maneuvering, seamanship, communications, and command and control. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory and one Lecture-Discussion.

NS 310. Evolution of Warfare. 3 hours.

Survey of all military history thereby providing a very basic understanding of the art and concepts of warfare from the beginning of recorded time to the present. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion.

NS 320. Amphibious Warfare. 3 hours.

Historical survey of the evolution of amphibious warfare in the twentieth century. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion.

NS 350. Naval Leadership and Management. 3 hours.

A comprehensive, advanced-level study of organizational behavior and management. Topics include a survey of principle management functions. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Laboratory.

NS 351. Naval Leadership and Ethics. 3 hours.

Responsibilities of the junior Naval Officer and Division Officer. Professional responsibilities that the junior officer will have after commissioning will be covered. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion.

NS 360. Leadership Seminar. 0 hours.

Application of the study of organizational behavior and management to naval science. Case studies. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. Prerequisite(s): Concurrent registration in MGMT 340 and approval of the department. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory and one Lecture-Discussion.

NS 394. Advanced Topics in Naval Science. 1-3 hours.

Study of advanced topics in naval science. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Approval of the department.

NS 399. Independent Study in Naval Science. 1-3 hours.

Independent study of an area within naval science under the direction of a faculty member. Course Information: May be repeated. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor and approval of the department.