Pharmacognosy (PMPG)
PMPG 507. Drug Discovery, Design and Development. 3 hours.
Overview of drug development process from target identification and screening through clinical trials and FDA evaluation. Course Information: Same as BPS 507 and MDCH 507.
PMPG 513. Principles of Structure Determination and Analysis. 3 hours.
Explores the relationship between structural stability, kinetic properties and function of biopolymers, with particular emphasis on proteins and nucleic acids. Course Information: Same as BCMG 513. Prerequisite(s): GCLS 501 and one year of physical chemistry, or consent of the instructor.
PMPG 534. Dental and Medical Anthropology Within Human Evolution. 1-3 hours.
Studies the biological and physical anthropology of hominid teeth and the craniofacial complex with relevant medical anthropology, ethno-pharmoacology, forensic sciences, and paleo-pathology topics. Course Information: Same as ANTH 534 andOSCI 534. Field work required. A lab experience,independent study and a research paper is required for 3 hours of credit. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of the instructor.
PMPG 569. Predictive Strategies in Pharmacognosy. 2 hours.
Consideration of the methods employed for the selection of plants that are most likely to yield biologically active compounds. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Demonstration of competency in organic chemistry, botany and pharmacology.
PMPG 593. Graduate Student Seminar Class. 1 hour.
Provides practice and practical guidance for giving a high quality research seminar. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only.
PMPG 595. Seminar in Pharmacognosy. 1 hour.
Presentation on a current research topic. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 2 hours.
PMPG 598. Master's Research in Pharmacognosy. 0-16 hours.
Research for completion of master's degree. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only.
PMPG 599. Doctoral Research in Pharmacognosy. 0-16 hours.
Research for students in the pharmacognosy doctoral program. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated.