Minor in French and Francophone Studies

Requirements for the Minor

Students from other disciplines who want to minor in French and Francophone Studies must complete 18 semester hours as outlined below:

Required Courses
Select two of the following:6
French in the Professions
Stories, Sights, and Sounds from the French-Speaking World
France Past and Present
Conversational French through Popular Culture and Media
Select two of the following:6
Topics in Film and Media of the French-Speaking World a
Topics in French and Francophone Literature a
Topics in French and Francophone Culture a
Two FR electives at the 200 or 300 level b6
Total Hours18

Students may not take a 300-level FR course unless they EITHER have completed two 200-level courses OR have completed one 200-level course and register concurrently in a 200-level course taught in French.


Students may take only ONE French class taught in English at the 200 level toward their major or minor. No more than 3 semester hours of FR 398 may be applied toward the major or minor.