Pre-Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists provide services to maximize the function and satisfaction of persons whose daily life performance has been interrupted and jeopardized by disease, disability, life stress, and other factors. The occupational therapist provides the individual with opportunities for involvement in carefully chosen work, play, or self-care activities. The occupational therapist also uses various methods of mutual problem solving, environmental modification, adaptive devices, technology, and biomechanical and sensorimotor treatment methods to support and enhance performance.

Many occupational therapists work within hospital settings, but there is growing emphasis on prevention and treatment of people with disabilities in nonclinical settings. As a result, many new areas of employment are now available. For example, occupational therapists are increasingly employed in school systems where they work with children with disabilities, enhancing their ability to perform as students. Working with in-home health organizations, occupational therapists help individuals and families function more adequately at daily tasks. In industrial settings, they aid  workers' with disabilities or injuries return to gainful employment. In addition, occupational therapists have developed private practices.

The preprofessional coursework listed below prepares students to apply to the professional program in the Department of Occupational Therapy in the College of Applied Health Sciences after completion of the undergraduate degree. Students should contact or (312) 996-3051 for further information.

Pre-occupational therapy students may choose any major but should work with an advisor to plan a course of study that fulfills pre-occupational therapy studies requirements as well as the requirements for the major.

Preprofessional Coursework

The pre-occupational therapy requirements follow and should be completed as part of the undergraduate degree program. The courses listed below must be completed with a grade of C or better.

Required Courses a
BIOS 110Biology of Cells and Organisms b4
KN 230Anatomy and Physiology Lecture I c3
KN 231Anatomy and Physiology Lecture II c3
KN 232Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I c2
KN 233Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II c2
PSCH 100Introduction to Psychology d4
PSCH 270Introduction to Psychological and Behavioral Disorders c,d3
PSCH 320Developmental Psychology c3
PSCH 242Introduction to Research in Psychology3
Choose from one of the following courses in statistics:3-4
Statistical Methods in Behavioral Science (for Psychology majors only)
Statistical Methods
Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to Statistics for the Life Sciences
Introductory Sociological Statistics (for Sociology majors only)
Introduction to sociology or anthropology3
Medical terminology course (recommended) e
Medical Terminologies: Ancient Roots in Modern Medicine
Medical Terminology for Health Information Management
Total Hours33-34

Students completing an undergraduate degree at UIC must complete the General Education requirements. Students should consult the General Education section and their college/department sections of the catalog for more information on fulfilling these requirements. 


This course is approved for the Analyzing the Natural World General Education category. 


It is recommended that these courses must be taken within three years of admission to the program. If a student took these courses more than three years ago, the student should complete a self-study before beginning the program. For prerequisite courses completed more eight years ago, retaking the course or intensive self-study prior to enrollment is recommended.


This course is approved for the Understanding the Individual and Society General Education category. 


Although not required, it is recommended that students complete a medical terminology course. Alternatively, students are expected to complete a self-study computerized course in medical terminology upon acceptance. 

Other minimum admissions requirements can be found on the program website. Applicants with a GPA of below 3.00/4.00 who display strengths in other areas may be considered for admission. Students must apply for admission to the program approximately one year before planned enrollment.