Business Administration (BA)


BA 070. Elementary Mathematics for Business. 3 hours.

Rational operations and arithmetic, fundamental operations of algebra, linear equations and polynomials, and graphic with applications to business. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. No graduation credit. Prerequisite(s): Eligibility determined by performance on the placement test.

BA 090. Intermediate Algebra for Business. 5 hours.

Linear equations, rational expressions, quadratic equations, graphing, exponentials and logarithms, systems of linear equations with applications to business. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. No graduation credit. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in BA 070 or grade of C or better in MATH 070; or appropriate score on the department placement test. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Discussion/Recitation and one Lecture.

BA 100. Introduction to Professional Development. 1 hour.

Introduces first year students to UIC Professional development and presence. Students will use self-assessment tools and improvisational techniques to enhance their professional development and strengths. Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester. Should be taken in the first year after acceptance into the College of Business Administration. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the College of Business Administration. Recommended background: Incoming first year students.

BA 101. Business First-Year Seminar. 1 hour.

A first-year seminar for students to understand UIC Business academic majors and related careers. Provides a foundation for student success by outlining degree completion, careers and introducing students to resources.

BA 111. Business Decision-Making. 3 hours.

Introduces students to the qualitative and quantitative frameworks for critically evaluating business scenarios and decisions. Emphasis on applications to illustrate how information is analyzed and used in business decision-making.

BA 190. UIC Business Seminar Program. 0-3 hours.

The principle objective of the UIC Business Seminar Program is to build and foster the intellectual society within the UIC Business community while introducing students to relevant business material. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 3 hours. Students may only be enrolled in one section per term. No graduation credit.Meets eight weeks of the semester. The program provides UIC Business students with the opportunity to closely interact with faculty in a small-group environment. It encourages students to explore potential areas of interest in a unique and innovative manner.

BA 200. Business Communication. 3 hours.

Principles of effective business communication applied to practice in writing and speaking, individual and team work; emphasis on written communication. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): ENGL 161 or the equivalent.

BA 220. Business Professional Development II. 1 hour.

Seminar uses experiential activities to develop each student’s authentic professional presence, verbal and non-verbal skills necessary to excel professionally. Interviewing, networking, dynamic presentations, impromptu speaking and creative team. Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): BA 100.

BA 289. Business Internship Program I. 0-3 hours.

Business internships provide students an opportunity to gain practical work experience in their field of study and to test their career choice. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. No graduation credit. Prerequisite(s): Full-time status, admission into the College of Business Administration, good academic standing, and consent of the director of the Business Career Center.

BA 290. Business Ethics. 3 hours.

A one semester 3 credit hour required elective of all non-accounting business majors, to aid our students in the formation of the attitude, disposition and habit of thinking, working and living in an ethical environment.

BA 299. Business Administration Study Abroad. 0-18 hours.

Provides credit for foreign study. Student's proposal for study abroad must have prior approval of CBA Undergraduate Student Services. Final determination of credit is made on the student's completion of the work. Course Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 48 hours of credit. May be repeated for a maximum of 36 hours per academic year or for a total of 48 hours, all of which must be earned within one calendar year. Prerequisite(s): Requires approval of the Study Abroad Office and College of Business Administration Undergraduate Student Services. Class Schedule Information: Study Abroad. Foreign travel required.

BA 300. Advanced Managerial Communications. 3 hours.

Advanced study of business communication, including practice in the writing of case studies and reports. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): BA 200.

BA 320. Civic Engagement. 1 hour.

Each semester, the class will be themed on a city-wide issue (homelessness, hunger, education, etc.). We will partner with a local non-profit, that addresses the chosen theme, to provide a direct service opportunity and guest lecturers for the class. Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): BA 100 and BA 220; and junior standing or above.

BA 330. Analysis of Firms, Markets, and Industries for Business Decision Making. 3 hours.

Analysis of consumer and resource markets; firm production and costs; industry structure, competition, strategy and government regulation and development of managerial decision making skills. Course Information: Credit is not given for BA 330 if the student has credit in ECON 220. Extensive computer use required. Prerequisite(s): ECON 120; and MATH 165 or MATH 160 or MATH 125.

BA 351. Legal Environment of Business. 3 hours.

Introduces students to the legal, political and regulatory controls that define and limit business practice opportunities. The interaction of law, politics and ethics are emphasized. Course Information: Credit is not given for BA 351 if student has credit in ACTG 355. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in BA 200 and MGMT 350.

BA 395. Assessment Experience. 0 hours.

Students will complete a day long program to assess learning outcomes, through a test, simulations, individual case analysis, verbal communication exercises, team presentation and teamwork skills designed to assess program learning results. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. Prerequisite(s): Open only to juniors and seniors.

BA 420. Professional Presence. 3 hours.

Workshop style, experiential course using simulations and adapted theater exercises of graduating difficulty that teach students to refine their professional presence. Course Information: Previously listed as ACTG 420.

BA 489. Business Internship Program II. 0-3 hours.

Business internships provide both graduate and undergraduate professional and practical work experience in their field of study and career choice. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. No graduation credit. Prerequisite(s): Full-time status, admission into the College of Business Administration, good academic standing at UIC, and consent of the director of the Business Career Center.

BA 490. International Student Exchange Program. 0-18 hours.

The Student Exchange Program enables the reciprocal exchange of students between UIC and colleges or universities in other countries. There are a variety of programs tailored to meet the needs of both graduate and undergraduate students. Course Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 36 hours per academic year or for a total of 48 hours, all of which must be earned within one calendar year. Determination of the number of credits to be granted is part of the proposal approval process. Students from other UIC Colleges and Schools are eligible for the program. For more information, visit the website at Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above and approval of the student's major department, the CBA College Office and the Office of International Affairs.

BA 494. Special Topics in Business Administration. 1-4 hours.

Exploration of topics in Business Administration not covered in existing offerings or study of selected topics in greater depth. Subject matter will vary by offering. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary. Students may register for more than one section per term.

BA 495. Business Strategy. 3 hours.

Strategic management and business policy formulation and implementation. Students will utilize knowledge from all functional areas of business to formulate business strategy and implementation plans through case analysis (may include simulation). Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Prerequisite(s): ACTG 210 and ACTG 211 and BA 200 and ECON 218 and IDS 200 and IDS 270; and IDS 355 and FIN 300 and MGMT 340 and MGMT 350 and MKTG 360; and senior standing or above.