Humanities (HUM)


HUM 110. Introduction to the Humanities I: Critical Thinking, Writing, and Literature. 4 hours.

An exploration of modes of thought and self-expression through literature and philosophy. Topics will vary. Course Information: This course is open only to students in the Odyssey Project.

HUM 111. Introduction to the Humanities II: U.S. History and Visual Studies. 4 hours.

How humans experience, investigate, make, and represent the world. Course Information: Open only to students in the Odyssey Project.

HUM 120. Engaged Humanities: Understanding the Individual and Society. 4 hours.

An exploration of the complex relationship between the individual and society, with special attention given to the Chicago context and activities designed to develop student research and writing skills. Topics will vary. Course Information: Credit is not given for HUM 120 if student has credit in ENGL 161.This is a writing-intensive course with extensive practice in expository writing and revision. A grade of B or better in HUM 120 will satisfy the ENGL 161 requirement. Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in ENGL 160 or placement into ENGL 161. Open only to freshmen. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Discussion. Individual and Society course.

HUM 201. Topics in the Humanities. 3 hours.

Introduction to key concepts and ideas in the humanities. Students in this course may join the Engaged Humanities Initiative and receive funding for humanities research. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 9 hours if topics vary. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 161; or HUM 120; or consent of the Engaged Humanities Initiative (

HUM 210. Seminar in the Humanities. 3 hours.

Focuses on in-depth discussion of topics in the humanities and builds on methods introduced in HUM 110 and HUM 111. Course Information: Open only to students in the Odyssey Project. Prerequisite(s): HUM 110 and HUM 111; or consent of the instructor.