Intellectual Property (IP)
IP 400. U.S. Trademark Law. 3 hours.
Explores the historical development of trademark law, trademark rights, trademark registration, infringement, special defenses, and unfair competition law. Course Information: Same as JD 400. Previously listed as JD 403/IP 403. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.
IP 409. U.S. Copyright Law. 3 hours.
Explores the historical development of copyright law, creation of copyrights, copyright registration, copyright infringement, special defenses and remedies. Course Information: Same as JD 409 and PTL 409. Previously listed as JD 406/IP 406/ITP 406. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.
IP 427. Art and Cultural Heritage Law. 3 hours.
Surveys legal concepts affecting the exhibition and sale of art, the movement of art during war, and the preservation of cultural heritage. Course Information: Same as JD 427. Previously listed as JD 229/IP 425. Prerequisite(s): JD 401, and JD 405, and JD 406, and JD 407, and JD 411, and JD 414, and JD 415, and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.
IP 431. Business Franchise Law and Practice. 2 hours.
Provides an introduction to the structure and characteristics of modern business associations, including agency, corporations, partnerships and limited liability corporations (LLC's). Course Information: Same as JD 431. Previously listed as JD 081/IP 418. Prerequisite(s): JD 401, and JD 405, and JD 406, and JD 407, and JD 411, and JD 414, and JD 415, and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.
IP 432. U.S. Patent Law. 3 hours.
Explores all aspects of U.S. Patent Law, before and after the America Invents Act of 2011 and includes patent procurement and enforcement topics. Course Information: Same as JD 432. Previously listed as JD 400A/IP 400A. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.
IP 434. Entertainment Law. 2 hours.
Addresses legal considerations that affect the publishing, music, recording, live theater, motion picture, and television industries. Course Information: Same as JD 434. Previously listed as IP 419/JD 215. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.
IP 438. Intellectual Property Licensing. 3 hours.
Covers implied licenses, express licenses, enforcement of license provisions, title interest in intellectual property, and license transfers. Course Information: Same as JD 438. Previously listed as JD 195/IP 407. Prerequisite(s): JD 401, and JD 405, and JD 406, and JD 407, and JD 411, and JD 414, and JD 415, and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.
IP 444. Legal Writing for Intellectual Property. 2 hours.
Concentrates on aspects of the drafting process, including audience, fact gathering, organization, editing and writing. Course Information: Previously listed as IP 428.
IP 469. U.S. Trade Secrets Law. 3 hours.
Examines trade secrets, the duty of non-disclosure, appropriation, improper means of discovery, employer-employee relationships, limitations of trade secrets law, and remedies. Course Information: Same as JD 469. Previously listed as JD 440/IP 440. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.
IP 477. Intellectual Property in International Business Organizations. 2 hours.
Students will analyze problems encountered as businesses transfer intellectual property (IP) to and from other countries. Course Information: Same as JD 477. Previously listed as JD 485/IP 485. Prerequisite(s): JD 401, and JD 405, and JD 406, and JD 407, and JD 411, and JD 414, and JD 415, and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.
IP 499. International Copyright Law. 1 hour.
Examines international copyright treaties and neighboring rights conventions, the principle of national treatment, copyright statutes in selected countries, and treatment of moral rights. Course Information: Same as IBT 499 and PTL 499. Previously listed as IP 455/ITP 455/IBT 748. Prerequisite(s): JD 409 or IP 409 or PTL 409.
IP 500. Trademark Litigation. 2 hours.
Focuses on jurisdiction, venue, and potential relief, pleadings, discovery, witness and evidence considerations, and appellate procedures. Course Information: Previously listed as IP 409. Prerequisite(s): JD 400 or IP 400.
IP 502. Copyright Litigation. 1 hour.
Examines copyright litigation issues, including jurisdiction, registration as a prerequisite to suit, pleading, statutes of limitations, summary judgment, remedies, attorneys’ fees and sanctions. Course Information: Previously listed as IP 427. Prerequisite(s): JD 409 or IP 409 or PTL 409.
IP 503. Taxation of Intellectual Property. 2 hours.
Covers the federal and state tax treatment of sales, purchases, licensing, and transfers of intellectual property. Course Information: Same as TX 503. Previously listed as IP 412/TX 329.
IP 506. Comparative and International Patent Law. 3 hours.
Examines substantive non-U.S. patent law, including an examination of treaties and conventions and illustration of how international patent systems operate. Course Information: Same as IBT 506 and TX 506. Previously listed as IP 494/IBT 769. Prerequisite(s): JD 432 or IP 432 or JD 469 or IP 469.
IP 512. International Trademark Law. 2 hours.
Examines foreign trademark and unfair competition law, including prosecution, renewals, licensing, assignments, watching, opposition, cancellation, infringement, use, and marking. Course Information: Same as IBT 512. Previously listed as IP 414/IBT 746. Prerequisite(s): JD 400 or IP 400.
IP 513. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. 1 hour.
Comprehensively reviews the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and its jurisdiction over patent cases from an appellate practitioner’s perspective. Course Information: Previously listed as IP 429FC.
IP 521. Patent Post-Grant Practice. 1 hour.
Reviews the purpose and history of contested IP proceedings, the statutory framework, and how these proceedings fit into the overall patent landscape. Course Information: Previously listed as IP 429PF.
IP 525. Valuation of Intellectual Property. 1 hour.
A condensed two-day course designed to provide tools necessary to perform monetary quantifications of the value of IP assets. Course Information: Previously listed as IP 429VA.
IP 535. Bankruptcy and Intellectual Property Law. 1 hour.
Examines how intellectual property rights are preserved and protected during bankruptcy proceedings. Course Information: Previously listed as IP 460.
IP 537. Administrative Intellectual Property Protection at the U.S. Border. 2 hours.
Considers administrative mechanisms for enforcing I.P. at the U.S. border, and how to combat IP-based unfair competition under Section 337. Course Information: Previously listed as IP 480.
IP 538. Clinic: Patent Advanced. 1-3 hours.
Students work with small business and individual inventors on patent applications, office actions requests, and draft ex part reexamination requests to challenge patent validity. Course Information: Same as JD 538. May be repeated to a maximum of 10 hours. Previously listed as IP 439ADV/JD 239ADV. JD students may not complete more than 15 combined clinic and extern credit hours. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413; and JD 425 or TADR 457; and TADR 494 and TADR 495.
IP 540. Clinic: Trademark Class. 2 hours.
Under the supervision of a trademark practitioner, students will conduct trademark searches, write trademark opinion letters, and prosecute trademark applications before the US PTO. Course Information: Same as JD 540. Previously listed as IP 447C/JD 447C. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413; and JD 544 or IP 544. Corequisite(s): IP 544.
IP 541. Biotechnology Patent Law. 3 hours.
Examines prosecution and enforcement of biotechnology patents, agreements related to biotechnology inventions and patents in relationship to biotechnology product strategies. Course Information: Previously listed as IP 464. Prerequisite(s): JD 432 or IP 432.
IP 542. Clinic: Trademark Advanced. 1-3 hours.
Students will conduct trademark searches, write trademark opinion letters, and prosecute trademark applications before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Course Information: Same as JD 542. May be repeated to a maximum of 10 hours. Previously listed as IP 447/JD 447. JD students may not complete more than 15 combined clinic and extern credit hours. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413; and JD 540 or IP 540; and JD 544 or IP 544.
IP 544. Clinic: Trademark Clinic. 3 hours.
Under the supervision of a trademark practitioner, students will conduct trademark searches, write trademark opinion letters, and prosecute trademark applications before the US PTO. Course Information: Same as JD 544. Previously listed as IP 447CLN/JD 447CLN. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413. Corequisite(s): IP 540 or JD 540.
IP 550. Externship in Intellectual Property. 1 or 2 hour.
Students selected to participate in this program work with intellectual property attorneys in private and corporate practice. Course Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 2 hours. Previously listed as IP 433. JD students may not complete more than 15 combined clinic and extern credit hours.
IP 593. IP Consortium: Kent. 1-4 hours.
Law school courses satisfactorily completed at Chicago-Kent College of Law. Course Information: May be repeated with approval. Applies to law school courses law students have received advance approval to complete at Chicago-Kent College of Law through our agreement with Chicago-Kent College of Law. Students will register through UIC and will pay tuition to UIC for these courses.
IP 594. Special Topics in Intellectual Property Law. 1-3 hours.
Master classes are offered on advanced topics in intellectual property law. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary. Previously listed as IP 429.
IP 595. IP Consortium: DePaul. 1-4 hours.
Law school courses satisfactorily completed at DePaul University College of Law. Course Information: May be repeated with approval. Applies to law school courses law students have received advance approval to complete at DePaul University College of Law through our agreement with DePaul University College of Law. Students will register through UIC and will pay tuition to UIC for these courses.
IP 596. Independent Study in Intellectual Property Law. 1-3 hours.
An independent study project must be approved by the director and requires scholarly study which will result in a significant contribution to intellectual property law. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary to a maximum of 3 hours. Previously listed as IP 431.