Privacy and Technology Law (PTL)


PTL 409. U.S. Copyright Law. 3 hours.

Explores the historical development of copyright law, creation of copyrights, copyright registration, copyright infringement, special defenses and remedies. Course Information: Same as JD 409 and IP 409. Previously listed as JD 406/IP 406/ITP 406. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.

PTL 422. E-Discovery. 2 hours.

Addresses unique issues and procedural rules related to e-discovery. Course Information: Same as TADR 422. Previously listed as JD 270/ITP 870. Prerequisite(s): JD 401, and JD 405, and JD 406, and JD 407, and JD 411, and JD 414, and JD 415, and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.

PTL 472. Cyber Crime, Information Warfare, and Economic Espionage. 3 hours.

Offers a practitioner's perspective of cybercrimes, information warfare, economic espionage techniques and the criminal justice system's response. Course Information: Same as IBT 472 and JD 472. Previously listed as IBT 764/ITP 848/JD 848. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.

PTL 499. International Copyright Law. 1 hour.

Examines international copyright treaties and neighboring rights conventions, the principle of national treatment, copyright statutes in selected countries, and treatment of moral rights. Course Information: Same as IBT 499 and IP 499. Previously listed as IP 455/ITP 455/IBT 748. Prerequisite(s): JD 409 or IP 409 or PTL 409.

PTL 511. Ethics of Practicing Law in a Digital World. 2 hours.

Examines application of legal ethics to the use of technology in law practice, exploring technological developments that facilitate and advance, delivering legal services. Course Information: Same as IBT 511. Previously listed as ITP 812/IBT 762.

PTL 518. Information Law, Policy and Privacy. 3 hours.

Topics include consumer privacy, protection of health and financial information, privacy implications of emerging technologies, and the government and private sector’s role in protecting information. Course Information: Same as JD 518. Previously listed as ITP 801/JD 108. Prerequisite(s): JD 401, and JD 405, and JD 406, and JD 407, and JD 411, and JD 414, and JD 415, and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.

PTL 520. JITPL: Comment. 1 or 2 hour.

Students invited to participate in this Honors Program will write a comment or note under supervision of student editors and faculty advisors. Course Information: Same as JD 520. may be repeated to a maximum of 2 hours. Previously listed as ITP 818/JD 037. Students must qualify and be invited to enroll. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.

PTL 522. Technology and the Law. 2 hours.

Examines how technology has influenced law, policy and practice. Course Information: Same as JD 522. Previously listed as JD 257/ITP 803. Prerequisite(s): JD 401 and JD 405 and JD 406 and JD 407 and JD 411 and JD 414 and JD 415 and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.

PTL 525. Cyberspace Law. 3 hours.

Surveys Internet law, including tort liability, freedom of expression, crime and security, privacy, intellectual property rights, regulation, and jurisdiction. Course Information: Same as IBT 525 and JD 525. Previously listed as JD 214/ITP 808/IBT 767. Prerequisite(s): JD 401, and JD 405, and JD 406, and JD 407, and JD 411, and JD 414, and JD 415, and JD 416; and LAW 402 or LAW 403 or LAW 404; and LAW 412 or LAW 413.

PTL 526. Health Information Privacy. 2 hours.

Provides overview of health information privacy law and policy; emphasis on emerging issues: privacy implications of electronic health records, medical identity theft, pandemics, medical research and genetic information. Course Information: Previously listed as ITP 821.

PTL 527. Health Information Privacy Regulation. 2 hours.

Applicable federal and state laws as well as other regulatory mechanisms affecting health information privacy will be addressed. Course Information: Previously listed as ITP 822.

PTL 530. Electronic Commerce Law. 2 hours.

Topics include electronic business models, formation and operation of e-commerce companies, protecting the assets of e-commerce companies, electronic contracts, consumer protection, and much more. Course Information: Same as IBT 530. Previously listed as ITP 830/IBT 761.

PTL 533. Global Privacy. 2 hours.

This seminar explores global implications of information crossing jurisdictional lines and conflicts of laws and culture regarding protection of information and information privacy. Course Information: Same as IBT 533. Previously listed as ITP 855/IBT 755.

PTL 555. Practicum in Information Technology and Privacy Law. 1-3 hours.

Students will work in the field of information technology law in a law practice setting under the supervision of attorneys in private, corporate, or governmental practice. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 3 hours. Previously listed as ITP 893. JD students may not complete more than 15 experiential learning credits overall (including no more than 6 externship credits).

PTL 593. PTL Consortium: Kent. 1-4 hours.

Law school courses satisfactorily completed at Chicago-Kent College of Law. Course Information: May be repeated with approval. Applies to law school courses law students have received advance approval to complete at Chicago-Kent College of Lawof Law through our agreement with Chicago-Kent College of Law. Students will register through UIC and will pay tuition to UIC for these courses.

PTL 594. Special Topics in Privacy and Technology Law. 1 or 2 hour.

The topics will change from time to time to allow the professor and students to explore current topics in information technology and privacy law. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary. Previously listed as ITP 880.

PTL 595. PTL Consortium: DePaul. 1-4 hours.

Law school courses satisfactorily completed at DePaul University College of Law. Course Information: May be repeated with approval. Applies to law school courses law students have received advance approval to complete at DePaul University College of Law through our agreement with DePaul University College of Law. Students will register through UIC and will pay tuition to UIC for these courses.

PTL 596. Independent Study in Privacy and Technology Law. 1-3 hours.

An independent study project must be approved by the director and requires scholarly study which will result in a significant contribution to information technology and privacy law. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary to a maximum of 3 hours. Previously listed as ITP 897.