Minor in Global Middle East Studies

Minor Requirements

The minor requires a total of 15 semester hours (five courses), including two core courses and three related elective courses. Elective courses should be chosen in consultation with an advisor. At least one elective course must be at the 200 level or above. Some recommended electives are listed below, but it is not a comprehensive list of appropriate courses. A maximum of 6 semester hours can be double-counted toward both this minor and another academic program. 

Required Courses
Select one of the following:3
Anthropology of the Middle East
The Middle East Since 1258
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Arab American Studies
Arab and Asian Connections in the U.S. and Globally
9 hours of related elective courses approved by an advisor. At least one elective course (3 hours) must be at the 200 level or above. a9
Total Hours15

Students who earn credit for both courses eligible to satisfy a single foundational requirement (e.g., credit for both GLAS 242 and GLAS 244) may count the second course toward the elective requirement.

Recommended Electives
This list is meant to help students identify potentially relevant electives across the disciplines. Students should work with the program advisor to determine which of these and other related courses they will take as electives for the minor. Prerequisites should be factored in when considering elective options
AH/CL 209Near Eastern Art and Archaeology3
AH/BLST/CL 210Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology3
AH/ANTH/CL 466Material Worlds: Topics in Material Culture Studies3
ARAB 230Arabic Literature in Translation3
ARAB 250The Heritage of Muslim Iberia3
ARAB/MOVI 270The Reel Arab3
BLST/SOC 207Racism: Global Perspectives3
BLST/SOC 407Seminar in Comparative Racialization3
GWS/ANTH/GLAS 255Introduction to Middle East and Muslim Feminisms3
GWS 409Women and Gender in the Middle East3
HIST/RELS 177Middle Eastern Civilization3
HIST 277The Middle East to 12583
HIST 477Topics in Middle Eastern History3
POLS/JST 243Politics and Government of the Middle East3