Minor in Arabic

Minor Requirements

To earn the Minor in Arabic, students musts complete 19 semester hours (12 of which must be at the 200 level or above) as follows:

Required Courses
ARAB 104Intermediate Arabic II4
ARAB 201Advanced Arabic through Literature3
ARAB 202Media Arabic3
Select one course from each of the following categories:
History or Politics of the Arab World3
Middle Eastern Civilization
The Middle East to 1258
The Middle East Since 1258
Topics in Middle Eastern History
Politics and Government of the Middle East
Culture of the Arab World3
Arabic Literature in Translation
The Heritage of Muslim Iberia
The Reel Arab
Near Eastern Art and Archaeology
Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology
Near Eastern Myths & Epic
Modern Greek Cities: Historical-Ethnographic Survey
Philosophy in the Islamic World
Introduction to Islam
Topics in Islam
The Qur'an: A Historical and Cultural Approach
Elective, chosen in consultation with an advisor.3
Total Hours19