Nursing Core (NURS)


NURS 204. Professional Nursing 1. 4 hours.

Examination of core concepts in professional nursing which define the role of the nurse. Utilizing principles of evidence-based practice, special emphasis will be placed on ethical, legal, and cultural considerations that impact nursing practice. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Preadmission required courses. Requires concurrent registration in NURS 212 and NURS 221.

NURS 212. Health Assessment and Communication. 3 hours.

Introduces physical assessment and interview skills to assess health status of clients across the lifespan. Concepts of communication, health literacy, patient centeredness and interprofessionalism are investigated as they impact health and risk assessment Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of preadmission required courses. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Laboratory.

NURS 221. Foundations of Nursing Practice. 6 hours.

Introduction to professional nursing emphasizing clinical and scientific concepts; nursing process; patient safety; communication and teaching/learning; and technology in the care of patients and their families. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Preadmission required courses. Requires concurrent registration in NURS 204 and NURS 212 and NURS 223. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Laboratory and one Clinical Practice.

NURS 223. Concepts in Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1. 4 hours.

Provides pathophysiologic and pharmacologic concepts critical to clinical decision making focusing on common disease processes across the lifespan, and on therapeutic and toxic effects of associated major drug classes. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Preadmission prerequisites required.

NURS 232. Concepts in Professional Nursing. 3 hours.

Introduces contemporary concepts for professional nursing practice including the definition of nursing, nursing paradigm, values, ethics, health, and continuity of care in restorative and chronic conditions. Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of preadmission required courses.

NURS 233. Concepts in Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 2. 3 hours.

Provides pathophysiologic and pharmacological concepts critical to clinical decision making focusing on common disease processes across the lifespan, and on therapeutic and toxic effects of associated major drug classes. Course Information: Grade of C or better in NURS 223.

NURS 242. Concepts and Processes in Contemporary Nursing. 4 hours.

Introduces RN/BSN students to contemporary concepts for professional nursing practice in health care systems with emphasis on the definition of nursing; nursing paradigm; health promotion; continuity of care. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in NURS 210; or consent of the instructor.

NURS 254. Professional Nursing 2. 3 hours.

Exploration of social and ethical issues in nursing with specific emphasis on social determinants of health, health disparities, social justice, utilizing evidence-based practice principles and critique of nursing research. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in NURS 204 and Grade of C or better in NURS 212 and Grade of C or better in NURS 221. Corequisites: Requires concurrent registration in NURS 321and NURS 351.

NURS 304. Professional Nursing 3. 4 hours.

Utilize nursing research to investigate concepts of patient safety, quality improvement, and risk management, including ethical and legal consideration. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in NURS 221 and Grade of C or better in NURS 254 and Grade of C or better in NURS 321 and Grade of C or better in NURS 351. Corequisites: Concurrent registration in NURS 331 or NURS 341; and concurrent registration in NURS 361 or NURS 371.

NURS 312. Nursing Research and Statistics Methods for EBP. 3 hours.

Basic concepts of research utilization and critique emphasizing relationship between research, scholarship, and evidence based nursing practice. Includes study of basic statistical measures, vocabulary, data analysis, and hypothesis testing. Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester. Recommended background: Successful completion of preadmission required courses.

NURS 316. Nursing Informatics. 3 hours.

Explores the concepts of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom as they derive from patient care technology, communication methods, interprofessionalism and computer applications. Course Information: Previously listed as NUEL 316. Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of preadmission required courses.

NURS 321. Nursing Care of Adults Across the Life Span. 7 hours.

Application of nursing knowledge and skills in care of adults across the life span. Unique health care needs of older adults will be addressed. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 204 and NURS 212 and NURS 221 and NURS 223. Corequisites: Requires concurrent registration in NURS 233 and NURS 254 and NURS 351.

NURS 322. Introduction to Nursing Research and Statistics for Evidence-Based Practice. 4 hours.

Basic concepts of research utilization and critique emphasizing relationship between research and evidence-based nursing practice. Includes study of basic statistical measures, vocabulary, data analysis, and hypothesis testing. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 210 and NURS 242; or consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture.

NURS 331. Nursing Care of Childbearing Women and Families. 4 hours.

Application of nursing knowledge and skills in the care of childbearing women and their familes. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in NURS 212 and Grade of C or better in NURS 233 and Grade of C or better in NURS 254. Corequisites: Requires concurrent registration in NURS 304 and NURS 361 or NURS 371.

NURS 332. Caring Theory in Professional Nursing Practice. 3 hours.

Exploration of the complex nature of caring, its critical role in nursing, and its application to acute, chronic, and palliative patient needs, and individual's self-care and wellness. Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of preadmission required courses.

NURS 341. Nursing Care of Children and Families. 4 hours.

Application of nursing knowledge and skills in the care of infants, children, and adolescents and their families. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in NURS 212 and Grade of C or better in NURS 221 and Grade of C or better in NURS 233 and Grade of C or better in NURS 254. Corequisites: Requires concurrent registration in NURS 304 and NURS 361 or NURS 371.

NURS 342. Caring in Professional Nursing. 2 hours.

Exploration of the complex nature of caring and its critical role in nursing. Special emphasis is placed on defining caring, describing nurse caring, and investigating caring through application, discussion, research, and teaching. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 210 and NURS 242.

NURS 351. Nursing Care in Mental and Behavioral Health. 4 hours.

Application of nursing knowledge and skills in the integration of biopsychosocial concepts and principles into care of individuals and groups. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in NURS 223 and Grade of C or better in NURS 212 and Grade of C or better in NURS 221 and Grade of C or better in NURS 204. Corequisites: Requires concurrent registration in NURS 233 and NURS 321 and NURS 254.

NURS 352. Population Focused Nursing Care. 3 hours.

Explores concepts of population focused nursing, public health, community health nursing, social and cultural determinants of health, health disparities, wellness, ethics, leadership, and interprofessionalism. Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of preadmission required courses.

NURS 354. Professional Nursing 4. 4 hours.

Concepts of leadership, management, organizations/systems theory, healthcare finance and policy, and their impact on the role of the nurse are investigated. Intra and interprofessional collaboration and nursing informatics will be examined. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in NURS 221 and Grade of C or better in NURS 304 and Grade of C or better in NURS 321 and Grade of C or better in NURS 351. Corequisites: Concurrent registration in NURS 331 or NURS 341; and concurrent registration in NURS 361 or NURS 371.

NURS 361. Nursing Care of Populations. 4 hours.

Application of nursing knowledge and skills in the care of populations. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in NURS 212 and Grade of C or better in NURS 221 and Grade of C or better in NURS 254 and Grade of C or better in NURS 321 and Grade of C or better in NURS 351. Corequisite(s): Concurrent registration in NURS 331 or NURS 341.

NURS 362. Nursing Health Promotion. 3 hours.

Introduces concepts of health promotion and disease prevention for individuals, families, groups, and populations through evidence-based research and interaction with clients and stakeholders. Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of preadmission required courses.

NURS 371. Acute Care Nursing & Care Mgmt. 4 hours.

Integration of nursing knowledge and coordination of clinical skills when caring for multiple patients in acute care settings, with emphasis on care management and care transitions. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in NURS 233 and Grade of C or better in NURS 254 and Grade of C or better in NURS 321 and Grade of C or better in NURS 351. Corequisites: Concurrent registration in NURS 331 or NURS 341; and NURS 304.

NURS 372. Leadership and Management in Nursing. 3 hours.

Exploration and application of principles of nursing professionalism, leadership, management functions, and the nursing process to the support of clients, groups, and systems. Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of preadmission required courses.

NURS 377. Integrative Practice Experience. 2 hours.

Integration of theory and concepts into complex practice scenarios to develop knowledge and skills needed to provide safe and effective nursing care across diverse populations and settings. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in NURS 254 and Grade of C or better in NURS 321. Corequisites: Requires concurrent registration in NURS 304 and NURS 331 or NURS 341.

NURS 382. Nursing Role in Healthcare Quality and Safety. 3 hours.

Exploration of healthcare systems’ effectiveness and individual nursing performance as they impact outcomes of patient care and quality and safety within healthcare systems. Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of preadmission required courses.

NURS 385. Nursing Care of Populations (RN to BSN). 5 hours.

Application of nursing knowledge and skills in the health promotion of populations. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 210 and NURS 242; or consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Clinical Practice and one Lecture.

NURS 387. Senior Seminar. 3 hours.

Explore transition to the professional role through discussion of career development strategies including NCLEX preparation, graduate education opportunities, professional engagement, and dedication lifelong learning. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in NURS 304 and Grade of C or better in NURS 321 and Grade of C or better in NURS 351. Corequisites: Requires concurrent registration in NURS 354 and NURS 331 and NURS 341 and NURS 361 and NURS 371.

NURS 390. Nursing Leadership and Management in Healthcare. 6 hours.

Exploration and application of principles of nursing leadership and management through an integrative practice experience applying the five functions of nurse managers to the management and support of clients, groups, and systems. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 210 and NURS 242; or consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Clinical Practice and one Lecture.

NURS 397. Issues in Nursing Practice. 3 hours.

Analysis of social, economic, and policy issues affecting the practice of professional nursing with emphasis on strategies for advancing the profession and professionalism. Course Information: Meets eight weeks of the semester. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor and Successful completion of preadmission required courses.

NURS 403. Cultural Fluency, Communication, and Ethics. 3 hours.

Provides a foundation of communication skills, teaching and learning theory, ethics, and cultural competence in providing nursing care.

NURS 404. Integrated Health Care: Concepts and Skills. 3 hours.

Provides the basis for understanding fundamental concepts to the practice of nursing across the life span. Theoretical concepts will be integrated with skills and clinical in Integrated Practicum I. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 421. Must enroll concurrently in NURS 401.

NURS 406. Integrated Health Care: Community. 2 hours.

Theories of community assessment, disease prevention, and health behavior are applied to promotion of health for communities and vulnerable populations. Understanding of systems and collaboration with the interprofessional team are emphasized. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 408 and credit or concurrent registration in NURS 414.

NURS 408. Integrated Health Care: Adult/Older Adult. 4 hours.

Clinical evaluation/management of common/complex problems in adults and older adults, emphasizes pathophysiology and management strategies in context of culture and ethnicity. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 421 and NURS 422 and NURS 404 and NUPR 405.

NURS 409. Health Assessment and Communications. 5 hours.

Introduction to physical assessment and interview skills necessary to assess health status of clients across the lifespan. Concepts of communication, health literacy, patient-centeredness are investigated as they impact health and risk assessment. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of preadmission required courses. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Laboratory.

NURS 411. Foundations of Nursing Practice. 7 hours.

Introduction to professional nursing emphasizing clinical and scientific concepts, nursing process, clinical judgement, patient safety, communication and teaching/learning, and technology in the care of patients and their care partners. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of preadmission required courses. Corequisites: BSN: NURS 420. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Clinical Practice and one Laboratory.

NURS 412. Integrated Health Care: Women, Children and Family. 4 hours.

Care for women throughout the lifespan, including pregnancy, birth, the postpartum, and interconceptional periods and throughout the aging process. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 408 and NURS 414.

NURS 414. Integrated Health Care: Mental Health. 2 hours.

Application and integration of biopsychosocial concepts and principles to the mental health care of individuals and groups across the continuum of care, including health promotion and illness prevention, maintenance and rehabilitation. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 401 and NURS 402 and NURS 404 and NUPR 405; and graduate standing.

NURS 419. Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1. 4 hours.

Provides pathophysiologic and pharmacologic concepts critical to developing clinical judgement focusing on common disease processes across the lifespan, and on therapeutic and toxic effects of associated major drug classes. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of preadmission required courses.

NURS 420. Patho-Pharm 2. 3 hours.

Provides pathophysiologic and pharmacologic concepts critical to developing clinical judgement focusing on common disease processes across the lifespan, and on therapeutic and toxic effects of associated major drug classes. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 419.

NURS 421. Pathophysiology. 3 hours.

Pathophysiologic concepts critical to clinical decision making focusing on commonly occurring disease processes across the lifespan.

NURS 422. Pharmacology. 3 hours.

Pharmacological concepts critical to clinical decision making focusing on therapeutic and toxic effects of major drug classes. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 421.

NURS 423. Adult Health Nursing 1. 7 hours.

Using clinical and simulation-based education modalities, students apply nursing theory and concepts to develop knowledge and skills needed for safe and effective nursing care across diverse adult and older adult patient populations and settings. Prerequisite(s): BSN: NURS 409 and NURS 411 and NURS 419; MSN-GE: NURS 409 and NURS 411 and NURS 420. Corequisite(s): BSN: NURS 420. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Clinical Practice.

NURS 428. Readiness for Nursing Practice. 2 hours.

Prepare students for success in the nursing program. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 411.

NURS 433. Adult Health Nursing 2. 6 hours.

Using clinical and simulation-based education modalities, students apply nursing theory and concepts to develop knowledge and skills needed for safe and effective nursing care across diverse adult and older adult patient populations and settings. Prerequisite(s): NURS 423. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Clinical Practice.

NURS 438. Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice. 3 hours.

Builds a foundation of concepts, methodology, and research appraisal associated with evidence-based practice and quality indicators of nursing care. Concepts of patient care technology will be explored. Prerequisite(s): NURS 423.

NURS 443. Nursing Care of Women and Childbearing Families. 4 hours.

Applies nursing knowledge and skills in the care of women and childbearing families. Course information: Prerequisite(s): BSN students: NURS 420 and NURS 423. MSN-GE students: NURS 423. Corequisite(s): BSN students may either take NURS 420 and NURS 423 prior to enrolling in NURS 443 or enroll concurrently these courses. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll one Lecture-Discussion and one Clinical Practice.

NURS 448. Leadership in Professional Nursing Practice. 6 hours.

Application of principles of nursing leadership, management, health policy, and systems thinking to management of diverse groups of clients and systems to promote equity and inclusive care competencies. Prerequisite(s): NURS 433 and NURS 438 and NURS 443 and NURS 463. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Clinical Practice.

NURS 453. Pediatric Health Nursing. 4 hours.

Equips students with the essential skills and knowledge to provide specialized nursing care for infants, children, adolescents, and families addressing developmental, medical, and psychosocial aspects of pediatric patients. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 423. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Clinical Practice.

NURS 458. Transition to Professional Nursing Practice. 4 hours.

Prepares students for entry to professional nursing practice. Preparation for successful NCLEX-RN testing and job acquisition is included. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): BSN: NURS 433 and NURS 438 and NURS 443 and NURS 463; MSN-GE: NURS 443 and NURS 453 and NURS 463 and NURS 473. Corequisite(s): BSN: NURS 448 and NURS 453 and NURS 473 can be taken either prior to enrolling in NURS 458 or concurrently with NURS 458.

NURS 463. Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing. 4 hours.

Application of nursing knowledge and skills in the integration of biopsychosocial concepts and principles into care of individuals and groups across the lifespan. Course information: Prerequisite(s): MSN-GE: NURS 409 and NURS 411 and NURS 420. Corequisite(s): MSN-GE: NURS 423; BSN: Both NURS 420 and NURS 423 can either be taken prior to taking NURS 463 or concurrently with NURS 463. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Clinical Practice.

NURS 473. Population Health Nursing. 0-5 hours.

Application of nursing knowledge and skills in the care of populations in various community settings. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 423. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture and one Clinical Practice.