Nursing Elective (NUEL)


NUEL 510. Instructional Design and Delivery in Nursing and Health Sciences. 3 hours.

Comprehensive introduction to teaching/learning theory, methods, and strategies for instruction and enhancement of learning in the classroom, clinical, and online.

NUEL 511. Curriculum Processes in Nursing and Health Sciences. 3 hours.

Comprehensive introduction to processes relevant to the design and implementation of a curriculum from foundational concepts through outcomes monitoring.

NUEL 512. Evaluation and Assessment in Nursing and Health Sciences. 3 hours.

Evaluation theory and strategies for evaluating student learning, courses, and programs in multiple settings and contexts.

NUEL 513. Teaching/Learning Synthesis in Nursing and Health Sciences. 3 hours.

Synthesis and application of teaching/learning theories, methods, and strategies for instructional design and delivery, learner/course/program evaluation and assessment, curricular processes in individualized settings and contexts. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in NUEL 510 and Credit or concurrent registration in NUEL 511 and Credit or concurrent registration in NUEL 512; and consent of the instructor.

NUEL 520. Dying, Loss and Grief. 3 hours.

Analysis of social, cultural, spiritual and psychological aspects of grief, loss/death for individuals, families and loved ones. Examination of interdisciplinary support available through hospice/palliative care services. Course Information: Consent of instructor.

NUEL 522. Palliative Management of Pain and Symptoms. 3 hours.

Application and dissemination of evidence-based strategies for palliative management of pain and other symptoms in chronic or terminal diseases across the life span.

NUEL 524. Sociocultural and Ethical Issues in Palliative Care. 3 hours.

Using ethical principles as a framework, this course explores social, cultural and political factors that influence palliative care for patients and families across the life span.

NUEL 526. Foundations in Rural Family and Community Healthcare I. 3 hours.

First in a series of courses designed to introduce concepts/issues related to rural primary care and clinical aspects of rural healthcare. Offers opportunity for experiential learning (a field trip) or an alternative activity.

NUEL 527. Foundations in Rural Family and Community Healthcare II. 3 hours.

Second in a series of courses designed to introduce concepts/issues related to rural primary care and clinical aspects of rural healthcare. Offers opportunity for experiential learning (a field trip) or an alternative activity. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in NUEL 526.

NUEL 528. Foundations in Rural Family and Community Healthcare III. 3 hours.

Third in a series of courses designed to introduce concepts/issues related to rural primary care and clinical aspects of rural healthcare. Offers opportunity for experiential learning (a field trip) or an alternative activity. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in NUEL 527.

NUEL 529. Foundations in Rural Family and Community Healthcare IV. 1 hour.

Students apply what was learned in the first year by participating in hands on community health education. Clinical aspects of rural healthcare introduced with attention to behavioral dimensions with exploration of research in rural communities. Course Information: Field trips required at a nominal fee. Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in NUEL 526 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 527 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 528; and consent of the instructor. Acceptance into the Rural Health Professions/RNURSING program.

NUEL 530. Foundations in Rural Family and Community Healthcare V. 1 hour.

Students apply concepts learned previously by developing a rural evidence-based project to address an identified healthcare need including review of the chosen rural community’s social, economic, cultural, organizational and political structures. Course Information: Field trips required at a nominal fee. Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in NUEL 526 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 527 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 528 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 529; and Grade of B or better or concurrent registration in NURS 542; and consent of the instructor; and acceptance into the Rural Health Professions/RNURSING program.

NUEL 531. Foundations in Rural Family and Community Healthcare VI. 1 hour.

Students apply concepts learned previously by developing a rural evidence based project to address an identified healthcare need including review of the chosen rural community’s social, economic, cultural, organizational and political structures. Course Information: Field trips required at a nominal fee. Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in NUEL 526 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 527 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 528 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 529 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 530; and Grade of B or better or concurrent registration in NURS 555; and consent of the instructor. Acceptance into the Rural Health Professions program.

NUEL 532. Issues in Rural Interprofessional Collaborative Practice I. 1 hour.

Students apply concepts learned previously by implementing a rural evidence based project to address an identified healthcare need including review of the chosen rural community’s social, economic, cultural, organizational and political structures. Course Information: Field trips required at a nominal fee. Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in NUEL 526 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 527 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 528 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 529 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 530 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 531; and Grade of B or better or concurrent registration in NUPR 556; and consent of the instructor. Acceptance into the Rural Health Professions/RNURSING program.

NUEL 533. Issues in Rural Interprofessional Collaborative Practice II. 1 hour.

Students apply concepts learned previously by evaluating/ disseminating a rural evidence based project to address identified healthcare need including review of multiple structures within the chosen rural community (social, economic, cultural, etc). Course Information: Field trips required at a nominal fee. Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in NUEL 526 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 527 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 528 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 529 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 530 and Grade of B or better in NUEL 531; and Grade of B or better in NUEL 532 and Grade of B or better or concurrent registration in NUPR 557; and consent of the instructor Acceptance into the Rural Health Professions program.

NUEL 546. Biometrics and Applied Statistics. 4 hours.

Application of recent procedures in statistical analysis. Emphasis is on design of experiments and regression analysis; use of BMDP software on Mainframe/VAX computers. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NURS 525 or the equivalent or consent of the instructor. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion.

NUEL 547. Multivariate Analysis for Health Sciences. 3 hours.

Practical applications of multivariate techniques in health sciences. Minimal involvement in mathematics provided one has basic understanding of multivariate analysis. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NUEL 546. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory and one Lecture-Discussion.

NUEL 571. Leadership in International Health. 2 hours.

Examines the trends and issues involved in leadership development of health professionals for global health and discusses strategies to make impact on health care outcomes in the global village.

NUEL 572. Foundations in Global Health. 3 hours.

Provides knowledge of global health issues through an exploration of social, environmental, economic, and political factors, the globalization of health and healthcare and health disparities using a social justice and human rights lens. Course Information: This is a blended course. At least 50% of classes will be held in-person/synchronous with online activities the remainder of the weeks. Students will need access to a computer with video and audio capability and high speed internet connection.

NUEL 573. Global Health Program Management. 3 hours.

Covers the fundamentals of planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating evidence-based global health programs with a focus on collaboration and partnerships, strengthening capacity and effective communication strategies. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. This is a blended course. At least 50% of classes will be held in-person/synchronous with online activities the remainder of the weeks. Students will need access to a computer with video and audio capability and high speed internet connection. Prerequisite(s): NUEL 572.

NUEL 574. Developing a Global Health Nursing Practice. 3 hours.

Explores building a professional global health practice focused on strengthening interprofessional collaboration, identifying ethical challenges and applying principles of social justice and human rights to address global health concerns. Course Information: This is a blended course. At least 50% of classes will be held in-person/synchronous with online activities the remainder of the weeks. Students will need access to a computer with video and audio capability and high speed internet connection. Prerequisite(s): NUEL 572.

NUEL 575. Minority Women's Health Nursing. 3 hours.

Theoretic and descriptive overview of the health concerns and health conditions of women from ethnic/racial minority backgrounds with implications for nursing research and practice. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.

NUEL 577. Foundations for Practice in Global Health. 1 hour.

Survey course covering the delivery of healthcare globally. In addition to foundational concepts, the course exposes learners to introductory clinical management of select disease entities. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Recommended background: Course content on disease management.

NUEL 585. Research Seminar. 1 or 2 hour.

Facilitates the critique of theory/methodology and process of socialization into the professional role through various discussion topics. May include the opportunity to learn to effectively discuss/present research. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours. Students may register for more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of preliminary examination and consent of instructor.

NUEL 586. Nature and Functions of Sleep. 3 hours.

Considers normal versus abnormal sleep patterns, the impact of sleep on functioning, changes in sleep across the life span, how to develop healthy sleep habits, and to evaluate sleep, sleepiness and sleep disorders. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Baccalaureate degree in a health-related discipline or permission of instructor.

NUEL 587. Diagnosis and Management of Selected Sleep Disorders. 3 hours.

Considers assessment and management of sleep disorders in adults and children. Disorders include sleep apnea, insomnia and hypersomnia. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NUEL 586.

NUEL 588. Sleep Disorders and Comorbidities in Adults. 3 hours.

Considers assessment and management of co-morbid sleep disorders in adults. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): NUEL 586 and NUEL 587.

NUEL 594. Special Topics: Advanced. 1-6 hours.

Discusses selected topics of current interest. Offered according to sufficient student demand and instructor availability. Course Information: May be repeated. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.

NUEL 595. Seminar in Nursing. 1-3 hours.

Identifies and analyzes a broad range of issues related to modern nursing and nursing research. Topics vary according to student interests and instructor availability. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.

NUEL 596. Independent Study: Graduate. 1-4 hours.

Selected problems in nursing are investigated under the direction of a graduate faculty member. Modes of investigation are determined by the nature of the nursing problem selected. Course Information: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.