BS with a Major in Earth and Environmental Sciences

Degree Requirements

To earn a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences degree from UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree requirements. The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences degree requirements are outlined below. Students should consult the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section for additional degree requirements and college academic policies.

Summary of Requirements
Required Prerequisite and Collateral Courses26
Core Courses20
Selective Courses 19
General Education and Electives to reach minimum Total Hours55
Total Hours120

General Education

See General Education and Writing-in-the-Discipline in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section for information on meeting these requirements. Students should consult the course lists below and their advisors to determine which courses are counted toward the General Education and Writing-in-the-Discipline requirements.

Required Prerequisite and Collateral Courses

Required Courses
Select one of the following options in general physics:4
Introductory Physics for Life Sciences I a
General Physics I (Mechanics) a
CHEM 122Matter and Energy b3
CHEM 123Foundations of Chemical Inquiry I a,b2
MATH 180Calculus I a,c4
MATH 181Calculus II a4
Select one of the following:5
Chemical Dynamics
and Foundations of Chemical Inquiry II a,b
Survey of Organic and Biochemistry a
Select one of the following courses in general physics or biology:4
Introductory Physics for Life Sciences II a
General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) a
Biology of Cells and Organisms a
Biology of Populations and Communities a
Total Hours26

These courses are approved for the Analyzing the Natural World General Education category.


General Education credit is given for successful completion of both CHEM 122 and CHEM 123 or CHEM 124 and CHEM 125.


MATH 180 fulfills the LAS Quantitative Reasoning requirement.

Core Courses

Required Courses
EAES 101Global Environmental Change a4
EAES 111Earth, Energy, and the Environment a4
EAES 200Field Work in Missouri a2
EAES 230Earth Materials4
EAES 285Earth Systems4
EAES 290Communication in Earth and Environmental Sciences b2
Total Hours20

This course is approved for the Analyzing the Natural World General Education category.


EAES 290 fulfills the Writing-in-the-Discipline requirement.

Selective Courses

Students must select at least 19 hours with at least one course from each of the following groups. In order to reach the 19 hours, one course can be chosen, with permission of the director of undergraduate studies, from an approved list of courses in environmental studies offered in other departments; these courses must be at the 200 level or above.

Group I: Earth Materials 3-10
EAES 320
Soils and the Environment
Group II: Surface Environments and Processes 3-10
Sedimentary Environments
Environmental Geomorphology
Group III: Geochemistry and Geobiology 3-10
Introduction to Paleontology
Environmental Geochemistry
Organic Geochemistry
Introduction to Biogeochemistry
Earth System History
EAES 466
Principles of Paleontology
Group IV: Geophysical and Mathematical Methods 3-10
EAES 420
Earth and Environmental Data Science
Structural Geology and Tectonics
EAES 448
Plate Tectonics
Modern Statistics in Earth and Environmental Sciences
Planetary Science
Approved summer course in geological or environmental field methods (4-6 hours)
Total Hours19

Recommended Plan of Study

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
Fall SemesterHours
ENGL 160 Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts 3
CHEM 122 Matter and Energy 3
CHEM 123 Foundations of Chemical Inquiry I 2
EAES 101 Global Environmental Change 4
Foreign Language 4
Spring Semester
ENGL 161 Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research 3
CHEM 124 Chemical Dynamics 3
CHEM 125 Foundations of Chemical Inquiry II 2
EAES 111 Earth, Energy, and the Environment 4
Foreign Language 4
Second Year
Fall Semester
EAES 230 4
MATH 180 Calculus I 4
Foreign Language 4
EAES 290 Communication in Earth and Environmental Sciences 2
Spring Semester
Select one of the following: 4
Introductory Physics for Life Sciences I  
General Physics I (Mechanics)  
Foreign Language 4
EAES 285 4
EAES 200 2
Third Year
Fall Semester
Select one of the following: 4
Introductory Physics for Life Sciences II  
General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism)  
Biology of Cells and Organisms  
Biology of Populations and Communities  
MATH 181 Calculus II 4
Group I,II,III,IV EAES required course 3
General Education Requirement course 3
Spring Semester
Group I,II,III,IV EAES required course 3-4
Group I,II,III,IV EAES required course 3-4
Elective 3
General Education Requirement course 3
General Education Requirement course 3
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
Group I,II,III,IV EAES required course 3-4
Electives 6
General Education Requirement course 3
General Education Requirement course 3
Spring Semester
Group I,II,III,IV EAES required course 3-4
Group I,II,III,IV EAES required course 3-4
Electives 10
 Total Hours120